Sometimes i leave a comment on a game but as time goes on and i play it more, i comment a second time with things i have missed, or if i played a game two years ago and have forgot, i might leave a second comment not knowing about the first.
well the comment of your will go down down down from page 1 to like over 100 so how can you remeber that you commented unless u writed it on your notebook but still you will get armorpoints lol
I think after 2 years or so it wouldn't matter at all, as long as you keep your comments useful to the developer or people wanting to play the game. If you're making good comments you'll be fine.
This is why you should play through the game before writing out your comment. Otherwise, you're just telling everyone of your uninformed or poorly informed opinion.
If it was 2 years ago and you forgot, that's not a big problem.
If I were you, I'd play the whole game first, then leave a review for it. Instead of leaving a small review, keep playing, then leave another small review.
If it was a comment on a game you left a comment on after playing a for a minute, and then after playing a bit more, and you want an upgraded comment, I would advise that you always play a while into the game before coming to a conclusion on it. But two years?! Who really cares by now?... no offense.