ForumsWEPRMacro-Evolution Vs. Micro-Evolution

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7 posts

When you hear the word evolution, you often think of monkeys slowly changing into men. But thats not always the case. Evolution is quite a slippery word that does not always refer to the theory that all life started from a single cell. I being a creationist myself, believe only in micro-evolution. I just want to hear the opinions of some other people.

For those of you who don't know:

Micro-Evolution-Speices change over time through natural selection, but do not form new speices.
(rejects Darwin's veiws)

Macro-Evolution-Speices change over time and, through isolation and natural selection, form new speices. (supports Darwin's veiws)

  • 21 Replies
242 posts

So Strongbow, how YOU doin'? *wink*

Evolutionary biology is one of those topics that's really really complex. I'd be lying if I said I understood even a tenth of how much there is to it. The problem is, few people make an effort to really understand it and then dismiss it based on false impressions.

902 posts

I'd definitely have to say I'm a supporter off Macro-evolution. And now, allow me to present a very minute portion of my case.

"Selection occurs when some individual organisms have genes that encode physical or behavioral features that allow them to better harvest resources, avoid predators, and such relative to other individuals that do not carry the same genes. The individuals that have these useful features will tend to leave more offspring than other individuals, so the responsible genes will become more common over time, leading the population as a whole to become better adapted ... Speciation occurs when a population changes sufficiently over time that it becomes convenient to refer to the early and late forms by different names. Speciation also occurs when one population splits into two distinct forms that can no longer interbreed."
The above passage outlines parts of Darwin's theory of natural selection. Personally, I think it foolish to not be able to look at the similarities in DNA between completely separate, but similar species and not be able to realize that they came from a common ancestor. In fact, the genetic material of all living things is made up of the same proteins. Also, the fact that all living things can be so easily classified into a taxonomic tree is another factor - taking into account the HUGE number of possible structures for these trees, the actual number of trees that occur and the striking similarity between them shows exactly how things have changed over time - simply looking at humanity alone is astonishing. Looking at the ancestral forms of today's Homo Sapiens Sapiens, including Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus, Homo Habilus, and many others, one can easily see how the pattern unfolds. Though transitional forms in the fossil record are rare, they do exist and are the perfect example of how things happened.

324 posts

Tell me about it! I had a hard time keeping up with the conversation. I suppose what kept me on it was his declaration of pro-creationism. I dont have a problem with christians, just the noisy ones

902 posts

You might not know it, but I'm Christian. I just don't see why the story of Genesis and evolution as a scientific fact (yes, it's a fact AND a theory. I can provide proof of that, too...) have to contradict one another... why do so many Christians have such a hard time accepting that Genesis is symbolic (notice I didn't say metaphorical)?

324 posts

@Megamickel: Congratulations.

Its rare I get to meet a christian who is willing to ride both sides of the fence. I myself am not a christian, but I do find that Creationism has its symbolic merits. Its not the words, but what they mean that is of great worth throughout the Bible. Your'e broadness of thought is quite refreshing

100 posts

OMG I belive in both new species do arise but it takes alot of work and MILLIONS OF YEARS!

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