Hello, i have a problem with a friend with Shell Shock Live game.
When we try to earn free points (with surveys, etc...) we go to a page and no offers appears. An other friend of mine succeeded in having offers and earning points. I tried using Firefox, Chrome, IE9 and none of them worked (i removed ad block). Please help
ya can anybody help me on how to get some tank points cuz i really want thos weps. packs and deluxe packs. pls help a homie out and if i figure it out il put it here so every body knows.
harleyd, undortunately this thread now has to be locked due to you breaking the rules. You did something known as 'Necro' where you post on an old topic. Please click here to view the forum rules and guildines.
if you can't get coins,(i play this on shellshocklive.com) try just doing the wait a day for coins. sure it will take a lot of time, but eventually, you will get what you want, especially weapon packs and member thing
The problem should be reported to the site supperrewards.com but there is no way to contact them. Anybody find something to do so?
@Rhubin: Maybe you have a problem with your flash or the plugin-container. Try to delete the cookies from armorgames and the cache. If this doesn´t work reboot your PC and check your internet.