Here's a tip that you may or may not know of. If you're travelling or just don't have access to an internet connection, and you want to play a game to pass time. Then you can play which game you want from armorgames (if you are prepared). First you find the game you want to play (with internet connection of course). Right click on the page, (not the game itself) and choose "view source." Then type ctrl+F. Type into the little box that appears, in the top right corner, "swf." There may appear different suggestions but only one is a link. Right click it. Then choose "save as". Save the file on the location you want, name it and done! (well almost).
After you've done all this and you want to play the game, open it. A box should appear, asking you what it should be opened with. Then you choose the web browser you use, and then you can play it without any problems. (tell me if something is wrong and i'll try to help)
Like I said, this way you can play the game you want without internet connection. The game will be in fullscreen. If you are disturbed by the search field in the top you may press F11 to make it go away.
I have to give name the user "thaboss" because I used parts of his text here, because I didn't want to write it all down.
Wait, doesn't playing on fullscreen make it lag more? Because this person once showed some people in the General Exit Path Discussion thread playing Exit Path in fullscreen and when I went on it, It had a lot more lag than the normal playing Exit Path on Armor Games.
Hm, I don't know. I can imagine that it lags more but I guess it depends on what computer you have. Me myself haven't had any problems with that. If it lags a little more wouldn't really be a big problem for me. Because I'd rather have something to do (even if it lags a bit) during for example a trip in a car than just looking at the road for hours.