when did it happen because sometimes i actually watch them
same but its just awsome
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oZa38GVD4w] I just love that commercial. Lol.
I don't know if it's been posted before but here's the commercial for the 'Oozinator'.
Today, we salute you, Mr. Silent Killer Gas Passer.
the sonic commercials are the funniest
That Vitamin water commercial about when he confronted his dad about being out all night
Just about anything from the super bowl is great.
The Doritos commercials are always good.
What about the Halo commercial? I found it pretty rockin' awesome!
well i give it to your imagination this japanese appear with very rare ideas check check check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pqGNSXC9to
yes commercials are funny -GC
Never say no to Panda, Really funny.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X21mJh6j9i4
I loved the Volkswagon commercial with the kid dressed as Darth Vader.
e trade and doritos are always the best. the dorito samurai one was good a couple years ago
Help Ive fallen and I cant get up. When I was hurt life alert was there for me! thats a good one!
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