This happened before. I can't rate a game. When I try to rate a game.. It returns me back to the home page, bla bla bla, when I tried what I did before (restarting all the tabs, firefox), it still didn't work, I just waited like 1-2 days, and I still can't rate any games. When I use Google Chrome, the rating works.
Are you letting the page load all the way before rating? At one point I had an issue when I hit the "fave" button sending me back to the main AG page when I didn't let the game page load all the way. Perhaps this could be a similar issue.
use Google chrome i use only Google chrome because Firefox make Ur windows slowly and u cannot do rate or anything so use Google chrome that's why Firefox no rate games
Yes, my Firefox is the latest version and my flash player is updated. Like I said before, I don't spam rate. I actually play the game and see how I like it. If it's good about some stuff or bad about some stuff, then I sum it up to rate it. But, when I try to rate it, it returns me to the home page. If I right click on a rate, (e.g; 8) it says, "Open link in a new tab" or "Open link in a new window" or if I just left click it, it returns me to the home page. I'll try chrome for now though.
why ? i was love Firefox so much but when i know it don't rate games or do comment i hate it then i was playing game and in the left page i see download Google chrome its so faster then i download it i told u do it or don't do it
So.. You left Firefox just because you couldn't rate games on Armor games... And no, I don't want to go on Google Chrome because I already said, I'm more used to Firefox, I also used the 1st version and I updated all the way to the latest.
I had the same problem as you, jackoo8080, even when I was playing games and it was aaaall the way loaded, it would return me to the homepage when I tried to fave. Maybe it's an Internet Explorer 8 thing?