Where do people get the money to go to the Super Bowl or the NBA Finals and then the next day start telling there kids "no you can't have that candy we do not have any money" Whats more important here Steelers Vs. Packers or spending time with your family.
A lot of the time when a parent says "we don't have the money" it's either because they don't have the money on them at the moment, or because it's in the childs best intrest that they don't have it.
A lot of the time when a parent says "we don't have the money" it's either because they don't have the money on them at the moment, or because it's in the childs best intrest that they don't have it.
Or, they are going to spend it on something they deam more important. People do lye even if it is just a little while lye.
Ok true Buying Candy does not qualify as Spending Time with the Kid but Niether does paying $100 to watch your Idols tackle someone or Shoot a Ball at a basket. And Even If you do take your kids to one of those events your most likely to ignore them and pay more attention to whats happening
Ok true Buying Candy does not qualify as Spending Time with the Kid but Niether does paying $100 to watch your Idols tackle someone or Shoot a Ball at a basket. And Even If you do take your kids to one of those events your most likely to ignore them and pay more attention to whats happening
Parents are entitled to enjoy their lives too though. It shouldn't matter if they take the kids are not. A lot of parents go out for meals, hire a babysitter. Why shouldn't they do the same with something they're passionate about?
I've never heard of this happening before, but I guess it could.
And Even If you do take your kids to one of those events your most likely to ignore them and pay more attention to whats happening
Well, why would you spend $100 to go to an event if your just going to watch your kids.? Usually when you go to an event you're supposed to pay more attention to what's happening. Otherwise, why go?
I'm locking this thread on the basis that this appears to be an unlikely hypothetical but is presented to be an actual event. If you have an actual event this thread is based on, please remake this thread with that event listed in the OP.