I think the Title says it all. Do you have Bieber Fever or do you hate him? I am in the second group. I Actually have this on my profile: 10% of teens would cry if the Justin Bieber was on the Empire State Building about to jump. If you're in the 90% who would grab a chair and some popcorn and yell " Jump idiot, jump!" post this in your profile!
I wouldn't call them "guys". I'd call them pre-teens and young teenagers, which would be "boys", or "children". From what I've seen, it's mostly 12-15 year olds that hate him.
I read your post, but you obviously didn't read mine since you posted what you did. Quoting me then posting what you did was irrelevant because I said "most" instead of "all". Also, quite a few is still a few, adding "quite" wasn't necessary. Now, if you can't address my post on the page back, or any of the posts in the thread Ernie linked us to, then you should drop the discussion since you hate this person for no apparent reason. Mind you, I don't like him nor hate him, I'm neutral. However, I defend him because all these haters only hate him for reasons I stated a page back and even in that thread Ernie linked us to.
I don't like him but I don't Hate him either. I don't know the kid so I can't make a Judgement about him it is like reading a book's cover without reading the back for the information, you can't judge at first sight. You have to know about these things in order to hate them.
I was linked his new song with Chris Brown today. Dislike is starting to grow.
I'll admit, I don't like how the record companies set him up with these "cool" artists (except Sean Kingston, that guy truly cannot sing). But it's not Bieber you should be disliking in this situation, it's his producers.
If you hate him, why pay mind to him? What's the point in it all? When I dislike something then I ignore it, there's no use paying attention to it if I don't like it. Well, if you go out of your way to say bad things about him, you're just giving him more popularity
This is sadly a truth that people on youtube in the metal videos are just now starting to learn. So sure he's been ignored in the metal community on youtube now, but since they were unable to think like that until just now, you go a page or so back and all you'll see is "better than the **** that ****** bieber makes". Or they'd comment on the dislike bar saying "108 **** nuts listen to justin biber" when there's 108 dislikes and a whole lot more likes.