I personally believe that people should have to take a test to become parents. That means if you don't qualify, you can't have kids.
It would be based on a number of factors, such as income, criminal history and IQ levels.
If you have an income high enough to support a child, but have a criminal record, you can't have a kid. If you have an IQ level of less than say, 70 and so does your spouse, no kid. If you have IQ level of 70, but your spouse has enough intelligence, and a good income, and no criminal history, you can have kid.
Medical concerns, and other things would be taken into consideration.
So, would a test to become a parent be a good idea, or a bad idea in the long run?
I've always been in support of the thought that parents should have to pass some sort of test, aside from the practical one, before being allowed to have children - I'm not sure how heavily criminal record should factor into it though. I mean, if they have a long record of serious crimes then I can understand it, I just don't think punishing some random person in their mid-30's for the graffiti they sprayed on their neighbours car when they were 17 is fair when they have no other criminal charges on their record.
mean, if they have a long record of serious crimes then I can understand it, I just don't think punishing some random person in their mid-30's for the graffiti they sprayed on their neighbours car when they were 17 is fair when they have no other criminal charges on their record.
Exactly. Long violent criminal record, no. Took a hit of weed one time and got caught, maybe.
I think it is a good idea. Some people aren't meant to raise children. Serious criminals, people who can't support children(there are some exceptions to this) and people with no common sense among others. However, even though it is a good idea it could lead to other problems. It could lead to some sort of black market or other way of "obtaining" children. In an ideal society it would work well. But, as long as people act like people, there will always be problems with anything like this.
It would severely go against personal freedom, it shows a strong mistrust and may create some unrest.
Though I clearly see the point, being a parent is not an everyday thing, and a lot of people aren't apt to do that.
I don't know what to think of it. I think if something should be done, then there should be lessons in parenthood. Obligatory lessons for everyone that plans on having, or already has, children. IMO this is better than restricting access without helping.
I'm totally against that idea. The government shouldn't have that much power. Also just because you have a high income and a high IQ doesn't mean that you're a good parent. If you have a criminal history you could still be a good parent because people can change.
I think you't theory is a good one, but on the other hand, this is drifting closely to the idea of 'Ubermenschen'. This would cause politics to go against you and describe you as an neo-nazi. Not to mention that almost a quarter of world population would be against you because there are that many that wouldn't pass.
Firstly, it would restrict a person's freedom to pass on their genes, what are you going to do, castrate them? Secondly, if someone has seven or eight offenses from when they were 15-20, but are now 40, and haven't even had a speeding ticket since, what are you going to do? Not let them have children?
Just leave people alone. We're controlled enough as it is.
there should be lessons in parenthood. Obligatory lessons for everyone that plans on having, or already has, children.
They do have these however, they are only obligatory if you go through a divorce. They should be required by all parents, soon to be parents and those planning to be parents. Making the people that have already screwed up watch them really dosn't help with anything.
But why should a child be brought up in a household where the parents are abusive or thieves or get arrested all the time? A household like that isn't a secure and safe environment in which to raise a child.
I think it's a good idea on paper, but I don't see it being applied in any practical sense with out running into a number of problems. Some of which have already been mentioned.
It wouldn't be a very hard test to pass. However, I think a good way to rule out who can/can't are those who commited murder/some sort of abuse intentionally shouldn't be allowed. Also, those who have a genetic disorder/disease should only be allowed to adopt (Unless they were going to die withen the next few years...that would just be traumatizing to a kid to have their new parent die)
I think it is a good idea but it would be impossible to not allow people to not have children. People who failed the test couldn't be under constant surveillance to make sure they don't have kids.