Not often can you give me a great idea or a solution without cold hard evidence, and hardly will you be able to sell an idea to me when it's about aliens and conspiracy theories. That's right, this is an alien thread, but please be kind on my poor idiotic soul, because normally I hardly ever believe in this sort of thing.
I always had the belief that aliens had to have existed (for statistical reasons), however, I never thought that they'd have come into contact with the human race. A friend came up to me and asked that, and normally, they agree. However, he saw this youtube video-
- and despite the source and corny "OMG ALIENS RUN" soundtrack, it definitely intrigued the sci-fi writer in my head. The first "sighting" is a perfectly believable rendition of a sci-fi scout craft that would be able to scour cities with its tremendous searchlight. That I can realize and understand as a possible theory, and aliens weren't the first thing to pop up in my head.
Besides the one little light-flippy at ~3:30 where the light descended upon the area and then shot up into inexistence. Otherwise I could think of perfectly reasonable cosmic happenings for everything else and I never really thought about "oh it's aliens", and rather I thought "oh it's just stardust gravitational happenings." Like with the light that was swallowed by darkness, I could see that as just Galaxy Eating, where one larger galaxy eats another.
However, the little flippy? For the life of me I couldn't think something up. Until my sci-fi writer inside thought up a crackpot idea. "Hey! They could be like, a sentient being made entirely out of light and sub-atomic particles. You could ttly sell that idea, put it in as a race to that new faction you were making for your RPG-"
and then I heard the radio transmission, which starts at about 8:14
Either that man is the best actor ever, the most elaborate pranker ever, the most crazy and lucky man ever, legitimately being honest, or a hoax by the government (for what I can only assume to be 4 teh lulz).
Because that really sold the whole "Light organism" thing when he said extra-dimensional beings. Now I know what you're thinking: "Traveling through dimensions and parallel universes that have an anti-version of me? Bah! That's best left for pulp fiction comic books and fairy tales, Thoady!"
Not entirely true! It's been said by many a quantom physicist and theoretical physicist that parallel universes could exist, at least on a quantom level. And I've also read that reality is a variable, our reality would not be similar in the least to a paralell universe's reality, in that its laws of physics would, quite literally, be completely different from our own. That goes beyond the simple anti-you and such.
THink of it like this, not only in a parallel universe will gravity not exist, and instead you prepulse through everything, but elements would not react normally and instead have completely different electron rules, and living mass would not be made out of carbon anymore. You would actually see a color for ultraviolet (which is outside the color spectrum) and mach cones would have a completely different attribute to them.
So when the possibly crazy person on the radio who lucked out with the radio transmission suddenly dying with no explanation mentioned that these things could be extra-dimensional beings, I just clicked. "MY god! It's perfect, that would explain the zippy light! In a different reality, organic matter could be light and it [/i]could move in a way where light can accelerate! it all makes sense now![/i]"
The only things I dislike about his rant is the whole "Government trying to control us wanting to kill us the zippy light is out to get us" thing. And I can still label it legit, for the fact that any man with shocking news of unsafe extra-dimensional things would shock him where he'd make some crackpot theories of his own.
Youtube video makes me feel like an idiot for thinking that extra-dimensional beings exist. Please, flog me in the head to beat some sense into me or at least tell me that I'm wrong with some substantial evidence without saying "REALLY? LINK ME THESE QUANTOM PHYSICS ARTICLES AND SPEECHES, I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM"
He's right when he mentions that it's easy to think it's a UFO when you don't know how easy it is to fake it with CGI, becuase seeing that little particle effect he did then all my ideas were completely out the window.
Oh well, it'll make a good race in a tabletop RPG.
NOT to be off topic, but pretty much every RPG has stuff that isnt real, magic, super tech, portals to another deminsion, aliens, orcs, goblins, spirits, planet eaters, you know, the works. So im pretty sure that it would make a good to stop being off topic, state something i believe is true, and get my post nit picked until they make it sound like garbage.
From MY christian point of view, aliens dont exist, other wise, im pretty sure it would have been in the bible.
From MY christian point of view, aliens dont exist, other wise, im pretty sure it would have been in the bible.
On top of what Mage already said - computers aren't mentioned in the Bible, you're currently typing on one, considering how world changing they've been they should have been mentioned in the Bible.