I'm going to show you how to kill each gloople in Amorphous+.
Gloople:Just hit it. Stickie:Just hit it. Clutter:Just hit it. Biter:Just hit it. Meltie:Just hit it. Inkie.Just hit it. Sharp:Hit it from behind. Fuzzle:Hit it 3 times. Grinder:Soften it with a wall, Meltie's acid, or an explosion. Then hit it 5 times. Torchie:Wait until it's on fire, then hit it. Frostie:Just hit it. Oozle:Hit it 3 times. Grey: Wait until it launches an attack. Then hit it. Do that 3 times. Void: Wait until its charging the beam. Then hit it. Horror: Wait until it launch the saw blades. Then attack it. Amalgam:Hit it a couple of times. Queen:When she is about to launch an attack, hit her. Razor Queen: When she is about to launch an attack, hit her on one of her sides. Do this 5 times.