did anybody think this film was complete rubbish i mean the story is stupid the charictars are stupid and the fact that ther egoing a ageinst a bunch of blue people that look exacly like humans and it got first place in best movie or whatever they only thought it was good becuase of the 3d
As for the story is stupid? It's an amazing story line. It's based on race wars, racial divide and overcoming racial discrimination. I think it was shown extremely well.
Exactly... how can the guy at the beggining think it is a bad storyline..!!! It was a brilliant storyline and a really good film
It was a great movie, but the story line was pretty much exactly the same as one movie but I forgot the name of it. I think that it's where this person gets tiny, becomes one of these fairy people, then helps them protect their kingdom or something. Does anyone know the name of it? ITS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! I MUST KNOW!
Not to my tastes. I dont like the cliche "IMA GO TAKE YOUR FOREST KTHXBAI" "NUUUU WE CANTZ LETZ DAT HAPPPEN, THIZ GUY WHO BETRAYED YOU IS TOTALLY GUNA STOP YOU LOLZ". I dont know if thats a CLICHE, but i have seen it before, and im not a fan of naked blue people jumping between tree's with magic braids of life.