ForumsForum GamesDungeons and Dragons 3.5 New Thread

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Okay, so, apparently TRF wants to lose the old thread until such time as Dibs sees fit to return.
So, as per his request, I have made a new thread. I, of course, don't see exactly why this is necessary, but I suppose it won't hurt anything to accommodate Turf.
So, I guess this will just be a continuation of the prior thread with the old characters and we'll pick up where Dibs left off. I suggested that Noob DM this one, but being that he doesn't have any of the source material beyond what's on the internet, he declined. That being the case, if there are no objections, I guess I will be DMing this one. I won't have access to my books myself for another week or two, so if it's okay, I guess I'll be using a homemade campaign. And as far as the campaign goes, expect to see a lot of stuff that's not exactly D&D canon, because, as I said, I don't have my sourcebooks right now. Unless, of course, someone else wants to DM, in which case, I'd be more than happy to step aside.
Unfortunately, I do not think that this game will be accepting any more players. This thread is here for the sole purpose of reducing clutter in the other. It will actually be a lot easier - it was getting to be a pain, navigating that other one with all the pages it had(we were almost at 4,000!).
To start off, I'm going to request that we all post our sheets(I'll track mine down later) and if there is anyone who would like to DM or has any requests to that effect or which concern the next campaign, speak now or forever hold your peace.

  • 3,036 Replies
26,677 posts

No cost for food. Angel can make the food to feed them.

26,390 posts

No cost for food. Angel can make the food to feed them.

I was going to dispense of the food cost anyway. It's such a minuscule amount of money that it really doesn't matter.

1,000 given to Angel for charitable purposes...are you going to give any to Ere as well?
That brings the damage total to 12,470, assuming you spend the max on the horses.
26,390 posts

My bad, it was 13,470, and 14,470 if you give money to Ere as well.

26,677 posts

I am unsure if Ere is getting money. That would be Noobs' decision.

Thank you for not charging us for the food.

22,207 posts

I am unsure if Ere is getting money. That would be Noobs' decision.

I think he'll be more than content after receiving Mithral Full plate.
26,390 posts

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Remiel Chassan.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Description: Shaven head; clean-shaven; black eyes; deep tan; tattoos on torso, arms, legs, lithe; piercings in his ears and chin; 5'10.
Race: Human.
Class: Rogue/Fighter/Assassin.
Level: 3 Rogue/4 Fighter/5 Assassin.
Level Equivalency: 12.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Deity: Hajama.
Traits: +10 History/Geography/Religion/Royalty checks[Zakhara]-10[everywhere else].
Contacts: 4[Undefined].
Languages: Midani, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon, Dwarven, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Orc, Aquan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan.
Str: 18[+4]
Dex: 18[+4]
Con: 12[+1]
Int: 16[+3]
Wis: 14[+2]
Cha: 16[+3]
Fort Save: +1
Ref Save: +3
Will Save: +1
Hit Points: 56/56.
Attack Bonus: +16
Damage Bonus: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Sneak Attack Bonus: +3d6.
AC: 20.
Clothing: Chain Shirt[+4].
Off Hand: Heavy Steel Shield[+2].
Primary Hand: Keen Shocking Burst Hand and a Half Sword +3[1d10].
Miscellaneous: Sassone Leaf Residue[20/20 uses], Thieves' Tools, Repeating Heavy Crossbow[1d10], Climbers' Kit, Kukri[1d4, concealed], Adventurer's Kit.
GP: 12,600.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Cleave.
Class Feats: Trapfinding, Trap Sense[+1], Evasion, Basic Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Death Attack, Poison Use, Poison Save[+2], Improved Uncanny Dodge, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Sneak Attack[+3d6].
Skills: Balance[6+2], Hide[8], Spot[6], Bluff[8+2], Disguise[6+2], Climb[7+2], Escape Artist[7+2], Jump[6+2], Forgery[6], Intimidate[7+2+2], Listen[6], Move Silently[8], Search[6], Sense Motive[6], Sleight of Hand[8+2], Open Lock[7], Swim[6], Tumble[6], Use Rope[6+2], Ride[6], Disable Device[6], Diplomacy[6], Speak Language[11], Gather Information[6].
Spells: Disguise Self, Detect Poison, Sleep, Obscuring Mist, Spider Climb, Undetectable Alignment, Darkness, Deep Slumber, Misdirection.

Edited my character sheet a little bit.

26,390 posts

Thank you for not charging us for the food.

That's mostly because I'm too lazy to calculate things down to the copper piece. Such small expenses are so inconsequential and negligible I thought it useless to subtract it.

I think he'll be more than content after receiving Mithral Full plate.

So then 13,470. Assuming you share the expenses, that leaves 6,530 between the two of you, or 3,265 for each.
26,677 posts

Noobs, will the Elves be assisting Angel in her charity?

Hyper, are we in Waterdeep and have we completed the aforementioned transactions as of yet?

26,390 posts

Hyper, are we in Waterdeep and have we completed the aforementioned transactions as of yet?

If you don't have anything else to do at the castle, then yeah.
26,677 posts

Alright, I do believe we have finished at the castle.

Angel now does as much charity as possible with the 1000 gp and her allotment of healing and Remove ______ spells.

26,677 posts

Could you give me an approximation of how many people she helped and any money she has left, if any?

26,390 posts

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Remiel Chassan.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Description: Shaven head; clean-shaven; black eyes; deep tan; tattoos on torso, arms, legs, lithe; piercings in his ears and chin; 5'10.
Race: Human.
Class: Rogue/Fighter/Assassin.
Level: 3 Rogue/4 Fighter/5 Assassin.
Level Equivalency: 12.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Deity: Hajama.
Traits: +10 History/Geography/Religion/Royalty checks[Zakhara]-10[everywhere else].
Contacts: 4[Undefined].
Languages: Midani, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon, Dwarven, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Orc, Aquan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan.
Str: 18[+4]
Dex: 18[+4]
Con: 12[+1]
Int: 16[+3]
Wis: 14[+2]
Cha: 16[+3]
Fort Save: +1
Ref Save: +3
Will Save: +1
Hit Points: 56/56.
Attack Bonus: +16
Damage Bonus: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Sneak Attack Bonus: +3d6.
AC: 21.
Clothing: Chain Shirt, Ring of Mind Shielding[Immunity to Discern Lies, Detect Alignment, Detect Thoughts].
Off Hand: Heavy Steel Shield[+2].
Primary Hand: Keen Shocking Burst Hand and a Half Sword +3[1d10].
Miscellaneous: Sassone Leaf Residue[20/20 uses], Thieves' Tools, Repeating Heavy Crossbow[1d10], Climbers' Kit, Kukri[1d4, concealed], Adventurer's Kit, Masterwork Manacles, Rope[Silk, 200 ft], Grappling Hook, Blank Book[100 pages paper], Inkpen, Ink[2 oz], Chest[Empty], Outfits[Artisan, Cleric, Cold Weather, Courtier, Entertainer, Explorer, Monk, Noble, Peasant, Scholar, Traveler].
GP: 0
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Cleave.
Class Feats: Trapfinding, Trap Sense[+1], Evasion, Basic Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Death Attack, Poison Use, Poison Save[+2], Improved Uncanny Dodge, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Sneak Attack[+3d6].
Skills: Balance[6+2], Hide[8], Spot[6], Bluff[8+2], Disguise[6+2], Climb[7+2], Escape Artist[7+2], Jump[6+2], Forgery[6], Intimidate[7+2+2], Listen[6], Move Silently[8], Search[6], Sense Motive[6], Sleight of Hand[8+2], Open Lock[7], Swim[6], Tumble[6], Use Rope[6+2], Ride[6], Disable Device[6], Diplomacy[6], Speak Language[11], Gather Information[6].
Spells: Disguise Self, Detect Poison, Sleep, Obscuring Mist, Spider Climb, Undetectable Alignment, Darkness, Deep Slumber, Misdirection.

Name: Nerisatra (Neri) Woodsoul
Player: SN
Looks:Medium-long Blonde hair, 5'6", 84 lbs, Hazel eyes w/ hints of green
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Ranger 7, Wizard 1, Arcane Archer 4
Level Equivalency:12
------------HP,armor, feats, skills------------------
Hit points:75
Attack: +18/+13/+8 (Ranged), +15/+10/+5 (Melee)
Damage:Longsword(1-8+3),Frostburn(1-8+5 +1-6 fire +1-6 cold)(186) CS
Armor Class(AC):17(19 when using Sword and Shield)
Feats:Favored Enemy(Kobold)+1 to anything involving favored enemy
Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoid)
Point Blank Shot(+1 attack and damage when within 30 ft. of target)
Track(use survival to follow tracks)
Rapid shot (When making a Full Attack action with a ranged weapon, you may take one extra attack (at your highest
base attack bonus), but all your attacks are at -2.)
Endurance (+4 to all endurance checks, such as fatigue)
Precise Shot (no -4 penalty for shooting into melee)
Animal Companion(Wolf)
Familiar (Raven)
Woodland Stride
Enhance Arrow +2
Imbue Arrow
Seeker Arrow
Skills:Heal(2),Handle Animal(5),Ride(5),Survival(14),Wild Empathy(4), Spot(4), Jump(8), Move Silently(4), Knowledge(Geo)(9), Knowledge(Nat)(10), Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(7), Swim (2), Use Rope (2)
Crescent Scythe,Frostburn, Longsword, Hvy. Steel Shield, Studded Leather, Cloak of Elvenkind (+5 hide) Adventurer's Kit, Gloves of Dexterity[+2].
Animals/Transportation: Guard Dogs[2], Heavy Warhorse[w/military saddle].
Gold: 3,265.

Wizard Spells:
Lvl 0: All, 4/day
Lvl 1: True Strike, Magic Missle, Enlarge Person, 2/day

Ranger Spells:
Lvl 1: 2/day

Leadership Score: 15

Cohort: Ereliel Duskstalker, M Elf Crusader
Cohort Equipment: Mithral Full Plate.

Lvl 1: 2 Bard, 3 cleric[1 human], 2 Crusader,2 Rogue [1 Goblin]. 4 archers, 1 Wizard, 1 Fighter. +5
Lvl 2: "Sgt. Buzz" +1
Lvl 3: +1

Name: Mordecai Woodsoul
Player: Dragonblaze052
Age: 86
Sex: M
Looks: Jet black hair, regal bearing, fierce gaze
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Elf
Class: Dragon Shaman (Copper)
Level Equivalency:12
Attributes: +2 saving throw against enchantment spells/effects, +2 bonus on spot/search/listen checks, auto-search for hidden doors at 5ft, Low-light vision
Str 17
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 16
Saves: Fortitude 10, Reflex 8, Will 8
Hit points:104
BAB: +9/+4
Attack:+ 13/+8
Damage: Shocking Flaming Elven Courtblade of Dragon's Bane (1d10+2d6+3), 12 Light Hammers (1d4+2[4]), Flaming Comp Longbow (1d8+1d6+2) (20 arrows)
AC:21 Elven Chain 4, Bracers of Shielding (+2), Natural Armor 1
Features: Spider Climb, Draconic Aura +3, Totem Dragon(Copper),
Draconic Adaptation, Acid Breath Weapon (5d6 15ft line, DC 22 for half, once every 1d4 rounds), Draconic Resolve(Immunity: Sleep, Paralysis), Touch of Vitality (54), Natural Armor 1, Touch of Vitality (Improved)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus(Hide), Ability Focus(Breath Weapon, +2 to DC), Item Familiar (Courtblade), Skill Focus (Jump), Weapon Focus (Courtblade), Improved Toughness
Skills: Hide (14+5+4), Move Silently (13+3+4), Jump (12+4+3)
Equipment: Adventurer's Kit, Cloak of Elvenkind, Bracers of Armor +2, Elven Mail, Vrocshar, Flaming Composite Longbow
Gold: 3,265.
Dragon Auras: Power, Senses, Energy Shield, Vigor, Toughness

Vrocshar (Item Familiar)
Increased Sapience
Languages: Elvish, Draconic
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12

Leadership Score: 17

Lvl 1: 3 Rogues, 2 Archers, 7 Fighters, 2 Druids, 1 Bard, 5 Dragon Shamans, 1 Ninja, 2 Barbarians, 1 Paladin of Freedom, 1 Shaman, 1 Sorceror, 1 Samurai, 1 Psion

Lvl 2: 1 Barbarian, 1 Wizard, 1 Cleric

Lvl 3: 1 Rogue

Lvl 4: 1 Fighter

Name: Elizabeth �Angel� Bailey
Age: 18
Race: Half Celestial
Class: Cleric
Deity: Pelor
Domains: Healing, Glory
Alignment: Lawful Good
Level: Cleric 5
ECL: 9
Speed: 30 ft land, 60 ft flying

Hit points: 36

Str: 12
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 18
Wis: 20
Cha: 23 (HAWT AS HELL)

AC: 16

Fort: +7
Ref: +4
Will: +9

Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal

Traits: Darkvision, Daylight, Smite Evil 1/day, Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 10, DR 5/Magic, SR 14, +4 poison saves, Protection from Evil 3/day, Bless 1/day, Aid 1/day, Detect Evil 1/day, Greater Turning 1/day, Healing spells cast at +1 lvl, Undead Turning 10/day, Cure Serious Wounds 1/day, Neutralize Poison 1/day

Damage: Holy Heavy Mace (1d8 + 2d6/Evil)

Feats: Improved Turning, Toughness, Extra Turning

Skills: Perform (Sing) 5.5, Perform (String Instrument) 5.5, Knowledge (Planes) 12, Knowledge (Religion) 12, Heal 12, Diplomacy 8

Equipment: Holy Heavy Mace, Leather Armor, Harp of Charming, Adventurer�s Kit, Cleric�s Vestments

Lvl 0: 10
Lvl 1: 8+1
Lvl 2: 7+1
Lvl 3: 6+1

Could you give me an approximation of how many people she helped and any money she has left, if any?

Assuming that she spent all 1,000 gp that she was awarded(which would take her a few days to a week) and she was buying, let's say, 1 week's worth of food for the people...
She would have helped about 475 people.
26,677 posts

She spent one day and did everything she could to help.

Did you actually change anything other than formatting?

26,390 posts

She spent one day and did everything she could to help.

Give me a guesstimate on what exactly she did for each person.

Did you actually change anything other than formatting?

Just now, you mean?
I added what you bought and subtracted the money you spent. Same with Rem.
26,677 posts

Give me a guesstimate on what exactly she did for each person.

I love you and all, but never use that word again.......
Anybody begging, she gave them about 10 gp, anybody seemingly starving, she bought them a meal, anybody sick, she cured, anybody blind or deaf, she goes Jesus, anybody injured, she heals them, all of that stuff.

I added what you bought and subtracted the money you spent.

So my only change is that Mord actually has money now, right?
Showing 136-150 of 3036