ForumsForum GamesDungeons and Dragons 3.5 New Thread

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Okay, so, apparently TRF wants to lose the old thread until such time as Dibs sees fit to return.
So, as per his request, I have made a new thread. I, of course, don't see exactly why this is necessary, but I suppose it won't hurt anything to accommodate Turf.
So, I guess this will just be a continuation of the prior thread with the old characters and we'll pick up where Dibs left off. I suggested that Noob DM this one, but being that he doesn't have any of the source material beyond what's on the internet, he declined. That being the case, if there are no objections, I guess I will be DMing this one. I won't have access to my books myself for another week or two, so if it's okay, I guess I'll be using a homemade campaign. And as far as the campaign goes, expect to see a lot of stuff that's not exactly D&D canon, because, as I said, I don't have my sourcebooks right now. Unless, of course, someone else wants to DM, in which case, I'd be more than happy to step aside.
Unfortunately, I do not think that this game will be accepting any more players. This thread is here for the sole purpose of reducing clutter in the other. It will actually be a lot easier - it was getting to be a pain, navigating that other one with all the pages it had(we were almost at 4,000!).
To start off, I'm going to request that we all post our sheets(I'll track mine down later) and if there is anyone who would like to DM or has any requests to that effect or which concern the next campaign, speak now or forever hold your peace.

  • 3,036 Replies
22,207 posts

Possibly. If you take a flaw, that gives you a feat, but I mean it has only negative effects and they are all directly related to attributes or skills.If you would like flaws, you can use them. That's fine by me.


Right, so, should I give Mord an excuse to be gone for a while?

Well that could be a problem considering a few of the Flaws I'm thinking of, but if you can find a good enough excuse (VERY good excuse), then it's fine by me.
26,390 posts

Well that could be a problem considering a few of the Flaws I'm thinking of, but if you can find a good enough excuse (VERY good excuse), then it's fine by me.

Well, do you think that you can RP Mord accurately?
And what flaws were you thinking of?
22,207 posts

Mmm.. just Comfort Object, for now. Was also thinking of a few Traits for Ereliel and/or Neri.

And I'm not the best at controlling him, I don't even have his sheet atm.

26,390 posts

Mmm.. just Comfort Object, for now. Was also thinking of a few Traits for Ereliel and/or Neri.

Uh, what's comfort object?

And I'm not the best at controlling him, I don't even have his sheet atm.

So, leaning towards sending him away.
22,207 posts

I gotta go for awhile.

it's Here for a description of the Flaw.

26,390 posts

I was thinking Lovestruck might be a good one for you and Mord.
Merciless, Haphephobia, Heartless, and Pseudologia Fantastica(compulsive liar) would make sense for Rem.

26,390 posts

I've decided not to use the Flaws, because some of the homebrew ones seem disproportionate to an extra flaw. Many of them are things that are more RP decisions than detriments.
But the rest are all still a go.

22,207 posts

Been busy and out all day :/

What about This list of Flaws?

26,390 posts

What about This list of Flaws?

That list of flaws is fine.

So, if you have any changes you would like to make to your character, do that and run it by me now.

I want to start this new campaign by tomorrow at the latest. I'm not sure where everyone else is, but until Dragon returns, I will be sending away Mord and Angel.

How would you feel about Ereliel hunting down an Eye of Gruumsh orc while lying to the rest of the party about it(Rem in particular). It would take you all over, from the Unapproachable East(basically the FR's version of the Orient), Zakhara(basically the Middle East), etc.
22,207 posts

I'm thinking of taking Noncombatant for a Flaw, but I can't decide between Two weapon Fighting, Far Shot and Weapon Focus (Longbow/Comp Longbow, whichever Frostburn is). Advice?

but until Dragon returns, I will be sending away Mord and Angel.

Decent IC excuse and I'm fine with that.

How would you feel about Ereliel hunting down an Eye of Gruumsh orc while lying to the rest of the party about it(Rem in particular). It would take you all over, from the Unapproachable East(basically the FR's version of the Orient), Zakhara(basically the Middle East), etc.

Well that would require a order from Corellon/Head priest and/or that Orc Really REALLY pissing him off, but that would work.
26,390 posts

I'm thinking of taking Noncombatant for a Flaw, but I can't decide between Two weapon Fighting, Far Shot and Weapon Focus (Longbow/Comp Longbow, whichever Frostburn is). Advice?

It really depends on what kind of role you intend to play in the party.

Decent IC excuse and I'm fine with that.

I'll need some time to think up that excuse.

Well that would require a order from Corellon/Head priest and/or that Orc Really REALLY pissing him off, but that would work.

He will be taking orders from a priest of Corellon's acting on said god's behalf.

So, ready to start now?
26,390 posts

--------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Remiel Chassan.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Description: Shaven head; clean-shaven; black eyes; deep tan; tattoos on torso, arms, legs, lithe; piercings in his ears and chin; 5'10.
Race: Human.
Class: Rogue/Fighter/Assassin.
Level: 3 Rogue/4 Fighter/5 Assassin.
Level Equivalency: 12.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Deity: Vataqatal.
Traits: +10 History/Geography/Religion/Royalty checks in Zakhara: -10 everywhere else.
Contacts: 4[Undefined].
Languages: Midani, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon, Dwarven, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Orc, Aquan, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan.
Str: 18[+4]
Dex: 18[+4]
Con: 12[+1]
Int: 16[+3]
Wis: 14[+2]
Cha: 16[+3]
Fort Save: +1
Ref Save: +3
Will Save: +1
Hit Points: 56/56.
Attack Bonus: +16
Damage Bonus: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Sneak Attack Bonus: +3d6.
AC: 20.
Clothing: Chain Shirt[+4].
Off Hand: Heavy Steel Shield[+2].
Primary Hand: Keen Shocking Burst Hand and a Half Sword +3[1d10].
Miscellaneous: Sassone Leaf Residue[20/20 uses], Thieves' Tools, Repeating Heavy Crossbow[1d10], Climbers' Kit, Kukri[1d4, concealed], Adventurer's Kit.
GP: 12,600.
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Cleave, Spring Attack.
Class Feats: Trapfinding, Trap Sense[+1], Evasion, Basic Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Death Attack, Poison Use, Poison Save[+2], Improved Uncanny Dodge, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency.
Skills: Balance[6+2], Hide[8], Spot[6], Bluff[8+2], Disguise[6+2], Climb[7+2], Escape Artist[7+2], Jump[6+2], Forgery[6], Intimidate[7+2+2], Listen[6], Move Silently[8], Search[6], Sense Motive[6], Sleight of Hand[8+2], Open Lock[7], Swim[6], Tumble[6], Use Rope[6+2], Ride[6], Disable Device[6], Diplomacy[6], Speak Language[11], Gather Information[6].
Spells: Disguise Self, Detect Poison, Sleep, Obscuring Mist, Spider Climb, Undetectable Alignment, Darkness, Deep Slumber, Misdirection.

I traded my Sneak Attack bonus for another feat. Does that seem like a fair trade to you? I realize I'm the DM, but I just wanted to check it by the players since we do take turns with the leadership position and none of us have control the whole time. I also added the trait I was talking about earlier, and a Contacts slot.
I will let you have a max of 2 Flaws.

22,207 posts

It really depends on what kind of role you intend to play in the party.

Well I wanted Two Weapon Fighting so I could be Legolas and also be semi-effective in Melee..... Wait no, I have Precise Shot anyway. Well that leaves far Shot (sniper) and WF (accuracy), and I really can't decide :/

*pause*I'll need some time to think up that excuse.

Pre-approved excuse:
*Insert plot hook here* Ereliel gets calle dup to go kill the Eye of Gruumsh Orc (pissing him off works as well), and right after that the Copper Dragon calls up Mor for something. Ereliel (find a decent reason for RAGE) is storming off to go find the Orc, so Neri and Mord make a hasty decision to split for a short while , Neri to make sure Ereliel doesn't kill himself and Mord to obey the Copper Dragon. Angel confused, would pick Mord in the confusion, and then there is a sad departing.

You could use Ereliel's hometown being burned+pillaged by Orcs and all that+ link bvetween this Orc and that event for why he's raging.
26,390 posts

*Insert plot hook here* Ereliel gets calle dup to go kill the Eye of Gruumsh Orc (pissing him off works as well), and right after that the Copper Dragon calls up Mor for something. Ereliel (find a decent reason for RAGE) is storming off to go find the Orc, so Neri and Mord make a hasty decision to split for a short while , Neri to make sure Ereliel doesn't kill himself and Mord to obey the Copper Dragon. Angel confused, would pick Mord in the confusion, and then there is a sad departing.

Sounds good.
And I planned to have the priest of Corellon inform Ere that this particular orc was personally involved in the destruction of his village. Think that will get him PO'd enough?
I think your first stop will be in Waterdeep.
22,207 posts

[quoteAnd I planned to have the priest of Corellon inform Ere that this particular orc was personally involved in the destruction of his village. Think that will get him PO'd enough?[/quote]

Or he could get soem kind of image of the Orc for identification purposes, and upon that have a flashback back to that time and recognize him as the one that killed his father/mother. Much more concentrated rage over the association one you suggested.

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