ForumsForum GamesDungeons and Dragons 3.5 New Thread

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Okay, so, apparently TRF wants to lose the old thread until such time as Dibs sees fit to return.
So, as per his request, I have made a new thread. I, of course, don't see exactly why this is necessary, but I suppose it won't hurt anything to accommodate Turf.
So, I guess this will just be a continuation of the prior thread with the old characters and we'll pick up where Dibs left off. I suggested that Noob DM this one, but being that he doesn't have any of the source material beyond what's on the internet, he declined. That being the case, if there are no objections, I guess I will be DMing this one. I won't have access to my books myself for another week or two, so if it's okay, I guess I'll be using a homemade campaign. And as far as the campaign goes, expect to see a lot of stuff that's not exactly D&D canon, because, as I said, I don't have my sourcebooks right now. Unless, of course, someone else wants to DM, in which case, I'd be more than happy to step aside.
Unfortunately, I do not think that this game will be accepting any more players. This thread is here for the sole purpose of reducing clutter in the other. It will actually be a lot easier - it was getting to be a pain, navigating that other one with all the pages it had(we were almost at 4,000!).
To start off, I'm going to request that we all post our sheets(I'll track mine down later) and if there is anyone who would like to DM or has any requests to that effect or which concern the next campaign, speak now or forever hold your peace.

  • 3,036 Replies
22,207 posts

Made a quick 20 bucks for <2 hours' labor ^.^

I still say the Noob should get DMship on this one, since he's the only one who hasn't gotten the chance before. I think there's enough online information that he can properly DM. Posted Jul 2, '11 at 8:38pmDragonblaze0521,311 postsFlag

I still have no experienece and no way of downloading anything T_T

She is 16 by my memory.

You fail.
23,530 posts

Your memory fails.
13 is my guess.
And I hate hippies. Very, very much.
Yay, join us!
Dibs, Gantic wants you to ask for it to be unlocked
26,390 posts

I still have no experienece and no way of downloading anything T_T

Just use this.
26,677 posts

I can't find anything on Oghma.

I just remembered who I was thinking of that is 16.

23,530 posts

I just remembered who I was thinking of that is 16.
26,677 posts

It is of no concern to you and you are cluttering Noobs' thread with spam. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

26,390 posts

I can't find anything on Oghma.

...And for your realm source needs, use this.
26,677 posts

So, Noobs, do you approve this character?

Name: Xyrthanna Stalkingwolf
Player: Dragon
Gender: F
Level: 13
Class: Druid (8), Animal (2)
LA: +3
Race: Wild Elf (Natural Werewolf)
Alignment: CN

Hit Points: 87

Str: 16
Dex: 16
Con: 18
Int: 12
Wis: 20
Cha: 14

BAB: +6/+1
Attack (Melee): +8/+3
Attack (Ranged): +8/+3
AC: 19

Fort: +15
Ref: +10
Will: +13

Feats: Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Leadership, Natural Spell, Track, Weapon Focus (Bite)

Features: Animal Companion, Nature sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Natureâs Lure, Wild Shape 3/day, Wild Shape (Large)

Traits: Immunity to sleep spells and effects and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Low-light vision, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf that merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, Scent (all forms), Wolf Empathy, Alternate Form

Skills: Listen 12, Spot 12, Survival 16, Knowledge (Nature) 8, Handle Animal 16

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic

Equipment: Adventure Kit, +1 Wild Ironwood Studded Leather Armor, Scimitar

Leadership Score: 15


Lvl 1: 20
Lvl 2: 2
Lvl 3: 1

Hybrid Form:

Str: 18
Dex: 20
Con: 22
Int: 12
Wis: 20
Cha: 14

BAB: +6/+1
Attack (Melee): +10/+5
Attack (Ranged): +11/+6
AC: 21

Fort: +17
Ref: +12
Will: +13

Traits: Immunity to sleep spells and effects and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Low-light vision, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf that merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, Scent (all forms), DR 10/Silver,
Curse of Lycanthropy, Wolf Empathy, Alternate Form

Wolf Form:

Str: 18
Dex: 20
Con: 22
Int: 12
Wis: 20
Cha: 14

BAB: +6/+1
Attack: +10/+5
AC: 21

Fort: +17
Ref: +12
Will: +13

Traits: Immunity to sleep spells and effects and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Low-light vision, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf that merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it, Scent (all forms), DR 10/Silver, Curse of Lycanthropy, Wolf Empathy, Alternate Form, Trip

Animal Companion (Wolf)

Name: Cane
Gender: M
Race: Wolf
Level: 8
Class: Animal

Hit Points: 61

Str: 15
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 2
Wis: 12
Cha: 6

BAB: +6/+1
Attack: +10/+5
AC: 20

Fort: +9
Ref: +10
Will: +3

Feats: Track, Weapon Focus (Bite), Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse

Traits: Scent, Trip, Lowlight Vision

Features: Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion

Skills: Hide 5, Listen 3, Move Silently 5, Spot 3, Survival 4

Tricks: Attack, Down, Fetch, Heel, Seek, Track, Defend, Down, Guard

Equipment: Leather Barding

Cohort: Garran of the Wild
Race: Human
Gender: M
Class: Barbarian
Level: 11
Alignment: CN

Hit Points: 119

Str: 18
Dex: 17
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 11
Cha: 9

BAB: +11/+6/+1
Attack (Melee): +15/+10/+5
Attack (Ranged): +14/+9/+4
AC: 15

Fort: +10
Ref: +6
Will: +3

Feats: Improved Toughness, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot

Features: Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +3, Improved Uncanny Dodge, DR 2/-, Favored Enemy (Animal +4, Human +2)

Skills: Climb 14, Intimidate 14, Jump 14, Swim 14, Survival 5, Craft (Bowmaking) 9

Languages: Common

Equipment: Adventure Kit, +2 Distance Composite Longbow (+4 Str Bonus), Great Axe, Leather Armor, Efficient Quiver x2
26,390 posts

So what level are our characters going to be?

26,677 posts

Mine was made at lvl 13, but it is up to Noobs.

23,530 posts

Yosh and mine is at level 12.

22,207 posts

This might work if I had a working computer to save all of this, take notes on a semi-decent campaign, and be able to download stuff, but I don't. I can only reasonably understand most of the stuff on a normal character sheet *glares at DB*, but couldn't hope to be able to apply it at this point :/

26,390 posts

Time for me to call it. Back in 1/2 hour.

23,530 posts

Well we can always go back to the main campaign, if it ever gets unlocked.

26,390 posts

This might work if I had a working computer to save all of this, take notes on a semi-decent campaign, and be able to download stuff, but I don't. I can only reasonably understand most of the stuff on a normal character sheet *glares at DB*, but couldn't hope to be able to apply it at this point :/

Just save it on the internet or send it to your own email if you can't save it on a computer.
I think that it's plausible, but if you don't want to do it, that's fine.

Well we can always go back to the main campaign, if it ever gets unlocked.

And whose fault is it that it was locked?

Also, strike my last. I forgot it is Saturday.
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