ForumsWEPRThe Extra-Terrestrial Human Species

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So the world's in a tough spot, but one of the most intriguing points of interest in the modern world is overpopulation. The Earth can only support so many of us, and until a truly ever-reliable renewable fuel is discovered, there's only so much petroleum under the crust.

So how do we solve this?

Another holocaust? No... the first one ended badly...
Limit birth-rights? No... there will always be crazy partying teenagers...

The only slightly feasible solution to overpopulation, and the ticking timebomb that we orbit around, is to have Homo Sapiens Sapiens become an extra-terrestrial species; we must leave earth for new grounds in SPACE.

I know, it sounds too much like a science fiction movie, but think about how the world worked in 1900. Seeing images on a screen? Being able to communicate with someone halfway across the globe? Being able to clone? Being able to FLY? It was science fiction to them, but it eventually became reality.

Anyway, share your thoughts! Do you agree that we need to someday leave Earth to save our species from the sun/overpopulation/resource exhaustion? (btw, i remember reading somewhere that the sun just passed its half-way mark in life... i could be wrong, but its just something to keep in mind)

Or do you think I'm just a raving lunatic, that Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist has finally lost it?

Or just share your own opinions on how over-population/the sun/resource exhaustion can be solved.


  • 26 Replies
5,365 posts

Personally, I do agree that space colonization would be required. Really, at this moment natural causes and war aren't doing the job fast enough.

Limit birth-rights? No... there will always be crazy partying teenagers...

Lol, thanks for the laugh.

btw, i remember reading somewhere that the sun just passed its half-way mark in life... i could be wrong, but its just something to keep in mind

Yeah, don't we still have a couple billion years left? I'm pretty sure we'd blow ourselves up before then.

Or do you think I'm just a raving lunatic, that Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist has finally lost it?

I think you lost it back when you said you were a Satanist. :P
9,462 posts

Anyway, share your thoughts! Do you agree that we need to someday leave Earth to save our species from the sun/overpopulation/resource exhaustion? (btw, i remember reading somewhere that the sun just passed its half-way mark in life... i could be wrong, but its just something to keep in mind)

A large meteor or super volcano also have the ability to wipe us out at the moment.

Yes I do agree we need to become an extraterrestrial species.

Yeah, don't we still have a couple billion years left? I'm pretty sure we'd blow ourselves up before then.

We still have roughly another 4.5 billion years. If we are looking that far out we also face the possibility of the Earth burning itself out before then as well.
4,206 posts

I don't think that we can become an extra-terrestrial specie, I think we NEED to be one. If we want to last as a specie, leaving earth is the best way of doing it. After all, it's harder to kill all the ants when there are many ant hills.

116 posts

altough i like the thought of humans being able to explore the universe, and i would be extremly happy if it happened while im still young enough to hvae the health to make the trip, where i think it is highly complicated is with the fuel. you say that we are running out of fuel but in order to get to space we need extreme amounts of it.
in my opinion before thinking about space we should focus more on earth since it's only the place where we could get our supplies (food, water, air, fuel, building material and so on). one thing i know we can do is, using sun's energy to fuel cars or more radically use other transport means like metro, busses, bikes, or walking which are much more healthy. i think we (humans) are in this situation because we are unable to sacrifice some unnecessary material goods for the sake of everybody, in one phrase we are too lazy in general.

3,139 posts

The only slightly feasible solution to overpopulation, and the ticking timebomb that we orbit around, is to have Homo Sapiens Sapiens become an extra-terrestrial species; we must leave earth for new grounds in SPACE.

When i first read this i was like "Uhm." But it actually makes perfect sense. Where else are we gong to go?

There is however the chance the population will decrease by the time the earths space is near maximum capacity but if it didn't, not expanding will probably make living conditions slums etc. We don't want to move back in time.

Yeah, don't we still have a couple billion years left? I'm pretty sure we'd blow ourselves up before then

Lulz @ the latter, but with a few billion years left i'm sure scientists would be able to research space more, see if we can start setting up home :P
554 posts

hmmm, why don't we say, I don't know, kill people? It's worked before.

8,257 posts

The only slightly feasible solution to overpopulation, and the ticking timebomb that we orbit around, is to have Homo Sapiens Sapiens become an extra-terrestrial species; we must leave earth for new grounds in SPACE.

You're an escapist. Thanks to people like you we do have overpopulation because you're always seeking methods we could do once we have the possibilities, and don't try to find ways that we could employ now. How to solve overpopulation? Educate people, raise living standarts and, optionally, legalize abortion. Believe me, this would work if only we would do so.

Of course we should take advantages of the free space we will have once we will be able to settle down on the moon, and eventually on other planets. But this will only temporarily disarm situation on earth, if the only thing you do is kicking people into space and not change a thing to earth, the ticking timebomb will eventually explose, it will do so later, but it will.

What we should do, seen on a larger time-scale, is first do the things I said we can now, and also apply them later on when we colonize other planets; each new colony should be made on the basis of a sustainable, reasonable population, to try to not even get into such a situation we have now.

hmmm, why don't we say, I don't know, kill people? It's worked before.

If we wouldn't have those morals, we would dispose of the old, the infirm etc, and we would be better off. But I am not comfortable with that either, and I guess we will never do such a thing globally and consequently.
3,139 posts

If we wouldn't have those morals, we would dispose of the old, the infirm etc, and we would be better off

That's a rather nazi viewpoint.

Why/how would be better off without the elderly and infrm? They're humans. They contribute to our society :|
2,027 posts

I think that humans will some day populate other planets, but I don't think we will have to do it any time soon. Most of our planet's surface is covered in water, by building large islands we'd probably be able to double the space we have to live on, though, eventually, that wouldn't be enough either.

Though, I'm guessing humans will populate other planets for other reasons than overpopulation, such as for the planet's natural resources, or just because they want to see if they can.

8,257 posts

That's a rather nazi viewpoint.

I know. And I say it again, I would never support such a thing. It just has a certain objective sense.

Why/how would be better off without the elderly and infrm? They're humans. They contribute to our society :|

They do contribute to our society, but in which way? We have to support the elder as soon as they can't do it for themselves anymore; same with the infirm. We have to do something with criminals in prison if we don't have death penalty. All of this costs money, time and administrative effort. What I am saying is that our society would very well be culturally poorer without all this, but surely we would progress faster.
3,139 posts

Not every elderly and disabled person relies on someones support, so that argument only apples to the minority. Also, we have to support young healthy children, so should we stop repopulating?

Makes no sense in my books.

8,257 posts

Just think of all the industry making objects to make the life of elderly and infirm easier. All the medicaments we need to produce. We could cut down health care. Would need a lot less hospitals, and old-age homes could be used in another way. We could focus money and research on other sectors..
I'm asking myself right now though, what would all the people do who currently work in those sectors? They would need new jobs..

Also, we have to support young healthy children, so should we stop repopulating?

No, because this is a necessity, they are the future. We still need to invest in the next generation if we want to advance, or else everything I said before would make absolutely no sense anymore. Not that it made a lot of sense, but still...^^
3,139 posts

Just think of all the industry making anything medical to make the life of those with the flu easier. Everything will cost.
What about a disabled child - they're the future but hey he'll need medical care.

8,257 posts

Everything will cost. But is everything necessary? Do we really have to pay for everything we're paying?
I guess I won't be able to give you any convincing answer. Sorry if I have been offending anyone, I'm not even sure why I debate about that since it's not even really my opinion. I just don't think that nazism was devoid of any sense, and I was trying to figure out what exactly that was. I would never support such a thing since the ways to achieve it are wrong.

3,139 posts

Is everything necessary? Sadly for a country medical care is just like weaponry costs are.

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