I don't think so I mean for example, Muslims hate any non-muslim so why should we care about insulting them or having our troops go into mosques to kill terrorists. THEY HATE US WHY SHOULD WE CARE!!!!!!!!
Muslims hate any non-muslim so why should we care about insulting them or having our troops go into mosques to kill terrorists.
Wrong, the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful individuals. Most are not terrorists, most are simply normal individuals who believe in the faith of Islam. Info.
Following the title of the thread political correctness is annoying because we avoid talking about actually issues; race comes to mind. We need to be respectful of other beliefs but I don't need to hold my tongue when I think you're wrong.
They be peaceful but there is a mosque in the city I live in and a kid I know (who is a muslim) told me that you have to sing a song about killing Christians and blowing up the United States to be a member of the mosque. So upon that I cant look at those people the same way ever again.
They be peaceful but there is a mosque in the city I live in and a kid I know (who is a muslim) told me that you have to sing a song about killing Christians and blowing up the United States to be a member of the mosque.
Well, how do I saw this, he lied. If that were true the Mosque would already have been shut down. There are plenty of American's in power who are paranoid about Muslims that we have to assume that Mosque would have been shut down.
It's because of people like you that I have absolutely no respect for the US. Sorry to all the smart Americans out there, but your voices are being destroyed by the intellectually inferior ones.
Anyways, I do not agree with political correctness. Like Evelyn Beatrice Hall said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
or having our troops go into mosques to kill terrorists
If any soldiers did that, they'd get pretty well the same reaction if a group of terrorists walked into a large christian church during mass in the US and shot them there. It would also cut off any hope of future diplomacy for a long time and would probably exacerbate the conflict by a huge amount.
They be peaceful but there is a mosque in the city I live in and a kid I know (who is a muslim) told me that you have to sing a song about killing Christians and blowing up the United States to be a member of the mosque. So upon that I cant look at those people the same way ever again.
That may be one of the few extremist establishments. If you compare it to Christianity, they're like the Westboro Baptist Church: a lot of people don't agree with them and many dislike them, but you can't say all Christians are like that.
PC helps people divert from hate speech/action. To hate a group on bias is wrong and just causes conflict/violence. Although recently it is getting a bit annoying because people are becoming too easily offended.
As for the topic of PC in warfare, there needs to be. People dislike it when the government interferes with stuff like religion. It makes them mad. If soldiers shoot up a church, even if it kills terrorists to do so, more people hate those soldiers for doing it in religious places because it's much more invasive. More would become violent.
btw @bravehawk204 If you don't mind my asking, what religion are you? Because I can guarantee that there are bad people in every religion. Does being a member of that denomination make you one of them?
@Bravehawk, please stop making yourself look like an idiot. There are always people who want to kill other people, and even more hatred among us, regardless or race, religion, or any other defining character.
And remember, hatred is the exception, not the rule.
Are they crazy or maybe just confused. Maybe they are confused just like you on what the other side is thinking based on their religious leaders. I mean think about if your religious leader told you to take dynamite strap it to your back and run into a building full of so called "terrorists" would you do that?
Efan you cant negotiate with terrorists. Their just crazy.
Which is why we should be doing our best to prevent new terrorists right?
1.2 billion dollars have been spent on the "War on Terror" imagine if half of that had been spent on improving infrastructure and education in Iraq and Afghanistan. We actually might have had a chance of winning this war.
I don't think so I mean for example, Muslims hate any non-muslim
so why should we care about insulting them
What do you win if you insult somebody for no reason? I don't care if you draw Mohammed to express your freedom of speech. But if you only do something do insult people, what's the sense in doing it?
or having our troops go into mosques to kill terrorists. THEY HATE US WHY SHOULD WE CARE!!!!!!!!
If they are hiding, then yes, the troops should be able to go in there. If the terrorist don't know about the troops and are just there to pray, then you could also wait and catch them when they go out of the mosque. You don't need to make yourself more unpopular than it's necessary.