i can do it go to your profile in AG and then control panel then aramter then click right click in the mouse on the any armater u want to put it in the Facebook then click right then u will see save as or copy this image click save in your desktop then u go to Facebook and upload a picture then use the aramter that u saved it in the desktop that's how to pick aramter to use it in Facebook thx its my idea i do it
He wants to know if he can use it on other sites without copyright laws being in place, Zizo90. Such as, you can't upload a game that isn't yours on Armor Games because of the copyright laws.
Hmm, I think you can use it on other sites. I've seen several people use an Armor Games armatar on other sites. From what I've read in the TaC, there isn't anything wrong with using an Armor Games armatar on another site.
We take protection of copyrights, both our own and others, very seriously. We therefore employ multiple measures to prevent copyright infringement over this Site and to promptly end any infringement that might occur. If you believe that the Site contains elements that infringe your copyrights in your work, please contact us immediately.
In other words, it is illegal to copy the armatars without permission and sue for commercial use.
I read this too:
The Site is to be used solely for your non-commercial, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable and limited personal use and for no other purposes. You must not alter, delete or conceal any copyright or other notices contained on the Site, including notices on any Material you download, transmit, display, print or reproduce from the Site.
I guess Facebook pics count as limited personal use. Ask the admins (Not the mods), and hope for an answer.
You can use them on other sites. Matrix, wasn't their a plan to give your armatar its own personal url, so if you changed it here it would change on another site? Because if I'm not insane, then that would mean that it is quite obvious that you can use them.
@ulimitedpower, that clause protects us from others putting copyrighted works on OUR site.
I've said before that using your armatar elsewhere in the Internet is fine by us. I use my old skeleton armatar on twitter, etc.
With AG3, it'll be even easier. Your armatar URL will be unique to you as a user, instead of unique to the armatar which is what happens right now. That way, if you use yoru armatar on a site that simply links it from our site, if you ever change your armatar on AG3, it'll change on those other sites too.