I was wondering what the most popular type of music is among AG users. I like all music but mainly in the range of rock and metal. What kind of music do you like?
I love most good classical music, I also love modern orchestral pieces, and I love sinister, modern music (not pop, though). I also like brass and Spanish music.
I'm mostly a metalhead, liking all kinds of metal. But I also like groups such as The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and other groups that fall under the classic rock genre. I also like much older styles such as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and others like those two.
Classic Rock,Pop and Synth. Every time I turn on MTV or VH1 I hear something that is related to Pop. I need to say Rock n' Roll is a Classic music hybrid,Pop hybrid of Rock,Rap hybrid of Pop,and Hip-Hop hybrid of Rap.