klondike bars, especially the crunch ones, they are delicious, of course me being allergic to nut might have effected my decision
I think I'll open it to all variations of the products. For example K-bars pick your favorite type: Reeses, Heath, Crunch, etc.
For those with nut allergins, there are non-nutted (that sounds weird to say) variations for Drumsticks like plain cocolate coating or sprinkled as well as different flavors of ice cream if you aren't a fan of plain vanilla.
I haven't had either due to my allergies (it's peanuts and treenuts) but there is this one ice cream sandwich that has neopolotain (spell check?) ice cream. Y'know neopolotain, the chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. That was by far the best frozen treat in the world.
Klondike bar is like a joke of an ice cream sandwich.
Drumsticks, there's just so much more. The waffleconeyness... I like the ones that have the caramel or chocolate syrup in the middlleeee...Always the chunky chocolate at the bottom of the cone.
Of course I'd choose an ice cream in a cone over a slab of ice cream. They don't sell Drumsticks here, but Unilever does sell its Cornetto crap. Coincidentally, Unilever owns the company that makes Klondike Bars.