
14 5353
28 posts

First off, reincarnation is the belief that when you die, you are born again. You may be born into a tadpole, a dog, or maybe a human again. Now (assuming) there is life on other planets, do you believe you could reincarnate there? Or maybe in another universe? Think about it, mind boggling, right?

  • 14 Replies
1,058 posts

Supposing that I believe in reincarnation, I think that you could be reincarnated somewhere else. How awesome would it be if that was how you found out there was life elsewhere, by being reincarnated as a flower on Mars?

Another thing to think about... suppose there is reincarnation, but you forget your prior life when you are reborn...maybe deja vu is your memories from your past life slipping through.

511 posts

I believe in reincarnation, I might be a reincarnation myself! I actually did think about reincarnating as some other life form on different planets a (long) while ago and it's an interesting thought, now that i think of it, i tend to think of a lot of weird things. I'm not sure how this reincarnation thing works but when I find out, I wouldn't remember, which kinda annoys me.

242 posts

I can't say I believe in Reincarnation (the increasing number of organisms on Earth alone argues against it) but it would be a cool idea. There's the Buddhist idea that says the Karma you accumulate in this life affect how you reincarnate. Treat others badly and you might reincarnate as a bug. Treat others well and you may reincarnate as a prince! That seems just, and lets you change your fate if you screw up in one life.

Reincarnating on another planet? well, if you believe in it, why not? Maybe whatever you carry with you gets better experiences from living on different places, making it easier to be a better person in each life.

If any of the religious ideas had to have credence, it'd be nice if it were reincarnation.

341 posts

nope its either heaven are hell

660 posts

suprise suprise agree with Kanethebrain again

469 posts

Reincarnation doesn't seem to fit along the lines of my logic. The shifting of behaviors I've accumulated in this life to another lifetime seems near impossible. Even if the idea is that memories, behaviors (also mental sets), and such bodily supported brain features are to be carried within a soul, I can argue that our evolution would allow us to see from the perspective that we aren't that special nor magical.

*cough* Basically what I'm trying to say is: Another plane of existence doesn't exist for us. We are complex machines, and machines don't go to heaven, do they?

28 posts

Great discussion! Sometimes I think that our universe could be just an atom in a whole other life

508 posts

Yes, I believe if you were Reincarnated, you could be living on another planet. Or in another time. But I don't believe in reincarnation. Redbedhead, That is not part of the discussion. Please visit is God real topic, or something like that.

1,101 posts

Necromanced. cuz im just that powerful =)

Its harsh to see a thread with so much potential kinda lie dead thow. I mean reincarnation, is an ongoing myth, urban legend, and even majorly based in some religions. The fact of karma also plays a major play. If you treat people bad, you can be reincarnated as an ant, or a fly.. Just something completely aweful.

201 posts

I believe in reincarnation wholeheartedly. It's pretty much the only thing I believe in. My ma told me that when I was little I would babble on and on about my &quotast" life. Apparently I was a little boy on a farm and I had a dog. I don't remember much about that now, but I vaguely (I probably spelled that wrong)do. I don't know if I dreamed that or if they were actual memories. It's and interesting thought..BUT I do know that I am a tomboy and for some strange reason I have a bit of a southern accent even though I grew up in suberban Chicago. It's rather weird.

I don't really believe in that karma thing in relation to reincarnation. I think that you reincarnate into the same organism. Human to human, ant to ant. So to whether we can reincarnate onto other inhabited planets, I say no.

408 posts

Well, if you look at the universe, from death comes life, so I guess there could be a form of reincarnation, sort of a recycling of resources so to speak I guess. But, to other planets and galaxies, reincarnation I guess would assume the "soul" for our purposes exists somewhat on the physical plain in order to control the body that it inhabbits, or I guess you could say the host. Maybe the soul increases the host's chance of survival so the host lets the soul inhabbit it for that reason and the soul gets to interact with the physical world and do, something, a symbiotic relationship of sorts, but we're not here to explain reincarnation just if it would be possible to be reincarnated on another planet.

As I said before the soul would have to exist physically in order to control the body as I guess an immortal creature that requires something. As such, whenever the host body dies and the soul leaves the soul has to somehow travel to another body. Now, this raises the question of how long can a soul be without a body, a day, a year, forever? If the soul doesn't get a host body in a certain amount of time does it die or fade out or go into another demension, who knows. But, for the physical soul, as we established the soul would have to physically exist, has to reach a new host, reincarnating into a body on another planet is unlikely as the planets in our system most likely can't sustain life, at least not currently, and the nearest planet that could would most likely be lightyears away. As the soul exists physically it can not travel faster then the speed of light so that would take thousands of years to reach that destination, and with that accepted as fact why bother traveling for thousands of years for the possibility of a new host body when their is a massive amount of hosts in the current location.

So, to the question of could you reincarnate on another planet, given that in this example reincarnation is fact then it would be possible though unlikely as their are pleanty of host bodies on this planet so why travel for thousands of years on the off chance of finding one, unless the soul goes into another demension (moving on up, or down) but then this question wouldn't matter anyway. So, I say if reincarnation is true it is possible though highly unlikely.

4,871 posts

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense at least without some form of deity. As "we" would be transfered to another body this means that we have some sort of eternal soul which raises the question where did the soul come from in the first place and how are souls created?

8,051 posts

interesting to read about near death experiences in the intro of Alterations of Consciousness because it explained how they reported feeling knowing everything and at ease with themselves; some sort of tranquility at their experience of being dead. so where does your conscious go when you die? to another host? or just drift aimlessly in the infinite dimension?

How would we know? Since your own psyche is built upon your own experiences in what way could another's conscious influence you? would you be passing off your own conscious or another's you've inherited? would you even want to have your conscious implanted into another's?

5,642 posts

Religious ideas seem to say that Humans are the only species capable of theological thought and logical processes. Therefore, as far as religion goes, there are no aliens or anything like that. Speaking in a realistic sense, why would there be Reincarnation if there is aliens? Aliens are scientific and completely plausible. Reincarnation, not so much. Unless you're thinking about the whole Assasin's Creed thing (having passed down memory genes).

though if these two things did exist at the same time, of course.

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