Hi this is a war forum game where it is all one:BOB BOB is a random nothing You have to damage BOB in everyway. Example: person1:bob falls off a cliff person2:bob falls in a pit of fire person3:an explosion from the pit makes bob fly into a window and so on
Tell me if there is sumthing wrogn with this topic
so BOB runs to hide around the farmers other chickens but the chickens start to peek BOBs eyes out.. out and he yells and the farmer hears him so he...
himself until he killed himself out of boredom, and the aliens ground up his body and dispursed the chunks individually in different sectors of the universe. This ended the story of bob
...Then bob saw something that looked like a pile of warm brown think and went near to it to get some heat! but it was a bear and a mother too and then...