Hi this is a war forum game where it is all one:BOB BOB is a random nothing You have to damage BOB in everyway. Example: person1:bob falls off a cliff person2:bob falls in a pit of fire person3:an explosion from the pit makes bob fly into a window and so on
Tell me if there is sumthing wrogn with this topic
...super ultra magnetic Megatronous specie that has the You-Stupid-BOB-You-I'll-Eat-You-Darn-You-'Till-You'll-Be-My-Poop ability but was eaten again by a...
tried to grab a vine and pull himself out. Just as he grabbed it the alligator bites him in the legs! It rips his legs off and he goes shooting off out of the quick sand. The gator falls in and sinks. Bob crawls on and on and gets attacked by...