Hi this is a war forum game where it is all one:BOB BOB is a random nothing You have to damage BOB in everyway. Example: person1:bob falls off a cliff person2:bob falls in a pit of fire person3:an explosion from the pit makes bob fly into a window and so on
Tell me if there is sumthing wrogn with this topic
Disregarding MetalClaw's post(sorry, kind of ending the game :\\)
Then BOB falls into the volcano, and is somehow impervious to the extreme heat, and lava. Then he finds a HUGE diamond/crystal. But he can't get it out by himself, so he asks his long time friend John to help him. They both go back into the volcano and get the diamond to the surface. But then John stabs BOB in the back of the spine....GREEDY FREAK!....But he was a double agent for the NSA. John thinking that BOB was dead, he left. Then....
The evil doctor of the hospital tore off his flesh. BTW BOB suffered 3rd degree burns over 95% of his body.... Before the NSA agent left, he poured sulphuric acid all over BOB. Than....
Then bob runs through a thorn bush and bleeds leaving a trail through the hospital lawn bob then gets struck by lightning metamorphing into a PURPLEDINOSAUR (btw my old profile) then bob eats the whole town and dies of a heart attack of being to fat woohoo then bo revives and...
walks away but trips and falls onto a lawn which is unfortunately government property and is highly restricted so black helicopters shoot him with missiles and then he dies but his heart is shocked back to life and...
He grabs a machete and invades Illinois and kills barrack obama so mccain is the new prez then he moves to D.C. and kills george bush that way cheney is the new prez bob then gets arrested and goes to jail then he...