As a lot of us have heard, the Casey Anthony trial was decided with a verdict of "not guilty." Now, many media outlets are petitioning for the jurors' names to be released, citing "ublic interest." However, many people are furious with the verdict, and there is sufficient danger to the jurors should names be given up to the public. In your opinion, after any trial, should the jurors' names be released to the public, regardless of the verdict entered?
This is why jurors names should never be released before or after a case.
I personally don't believe names should be revealed unless there is a huge cause of question (Which there is in the Casey Anthony trial) - but as this case is very fresh probably not because it's just going to cause jurors grief and they were just doing what was asked of them.
No. In any circumstance. To serve on a jury is a civic duty and those serving should be guaranteed their privacy to reveal their names would be akin to standing outside a voting booth and announcing the voters name and selection as they stepped out. On top of that you have those jurors involved in a case of violent crime or death penalty case, should they sentence the person I wouldn't find it hard to believe that the person in question or their family are out for revenge.
Never, in any case, should the identities of the jurors of any trial be revealed. No matter the verdict, people will disagree with their choice. Undoubtedly, some will disagree with it strongly enough to take action. This action could be anything from discriminative decisions to murder.
Yeah, it should never be done. It puts the jurors at risk to verbal abuse and discrimination, and possibly worse actions such as murder (in cases like Casey Anthony). I can't really say anything that hasn't been covered by everyone who posted before me.
I agree with the consensus so far: it would just put them at risk to all of the nutcases who think they were wrong. It's kind of like the old trials in the deep south where a white man brought charges against a black man. If the jury didn't condemn the black man, they'd all get killed walking out of the courthouse.
I get the feeling that putting them behind a screen would result in many of the emotional ploys that lawyers try ineffective, not necessarily a bad thing.
Which makes me ask another question, why in the world is anyone other than family allowed to sit in on trial? They were selling tickets to the Casey Anthony trial, it's not a play! It's someone's life, there shouldn't anyone other than those who're related or those vital to the court proceedings.
They were selling tickets to the Casey Anthony trial
What?! That's heinous! No matter what I believe about the decision reached there and the honesty of Casey, that's wrong. To allow anyone to sit and watch a pivotal point in someone's life is immoral.
They were selling tickets to the Casey Anthony trial
They didn't sell any. They handed them out to people who signed up to get into the courthouse to watch the trial. Remember the masses crowded around the building waiting to get in? Late in the trial, fights broke out in the line because someone cut. They didn't want people fighting each other over a spot in line, so they organized it better.
To allow anyone to sit and watch a pivotal point in someone's life is immoral.
That did happen. They should've never let the public in, but they did. It was mostly so they could say "I was there! I saw the trial!" like the obsessed monkeys they are.