Star wars :P I run around with a light saber trying to kill people who claim to be my father everyday. No not really, it's more like lord of the rings. Yeah there a hobbit in my house right now! Ok so my siblings r not hobbits but there close! Ok really now hmm well there is really not one like my life. I life is boring compared to all the action movies I watch lol I will have to think about this more... (Harry potter!)
None of them. At least, none that I've heard of. Every book I've read and every movie I've watched (and probably most of the ones I haven't) has had at least one of these elements that make it unsuitable to describe my life.
-A conflict that the main character has to overcome at some point in the story -Some kind of significant change during any point in the main character's life -The main character actually doing something or being involved in something -An antagonist -Love interest -Dialogue -Other chararcters -A plot -Something worth reading about
@Ernie Wow, Ernie; I know you were making a joke back there, but everything there absolutely describes my life. My life has no conflict, there's never been any sort of change, I don't do... stuff, I don't really have any mentionable enemies, no love interest - attraction, sure-, I don't talk to people (really though, AG is the most socialization I get in a week.), I have no friends, my life doesn't follow a plot, and my life isn't even mentionable. If there's a book/movie like that, please tell me, guys. :|
I can't really think of any Does anyone know of a movie about a guy with a decent number of friends but who has terrible luck and all of his attempts at relationships with women end in complete and utter failure?
See, the thing is, life can't be compared to a movie because life doesn't lead to a neat and tidy conclusion in the span of 2&1/2 hours. Or in the span of 400 pages.
Does anyone know of a movie about a guy with a decent number of friends but who has somewhat terrible luck and thinks that he's pretty much hopeless when it comes to relationships?
Does anyone know of a movie about a guy with a decent number of friends but who has somewhat terrible luck and thinks that he's pretty much hopeless when it comes to relationships?