In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.
Name of planet: Name of star: Distance from starclose,near,far) Tempmolten,Frozen\\ Typegas,Rocky) Status of life:none _____________________________________________________________________ Events:
that eill be your template fill in all the blanks every time you post you need your template. you will post your events and i will reply your outcome
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: ??? Type: ??? Status of life: None
I wasn't sure what to do for the places with the question marks.
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: Molten or frozen... Type: Gas or Rock or ice Status of life: None
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: Molten Type: Rock Status of life: None
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: Molten Type: Rock Status of life: None Good... did you read. you need to cool down your planet... install a water cycle and find a way to place life...
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: Molten Type: Rock Status of life: None
Good... did you read. you need to cool down your planet... install a water cycle and find a way to place life...
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: As far away as Earth is from the sun Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None
I add more water until I get large bodies of water.
Name of planet: planeta de la vida Name of star: White Wonder Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: -30F- 120F Type: Rock, water, life Atmosphere status: oxygen Status of life: Life form who have magic
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None I add more water until I get large bodies of water.
you do soo ALSO you get a very thick atmosphere and a sustaining water cycle...
Name of planet: planeta de la vida Name of star: White Wonder Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: Very thin ( oxygen...) Status of life:
srry but you cant do that... you have to start with...
Hey bicola... you have founded Plane Evo in the center of the galaxy... ( new game ) you can seed the planet or place a STARGate... ( this will becoe a elic later n the future)
Name of planet: The planet of Stuff Name of star: Stuff Star Distance from star: Not too far, not too close Temp: Molten Type: Rock Atmosphere status: thin carbon monoxide atmosphere Status of life: None
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: wet... humid...very humid Type:Rocky Status of life: alegea swimmers and flyers Land Status:small islands Atmosphere Status: large clouds Ocean Status: Large Seas Moon:1
sorry i didnt make myslef clear.
i do a tricky (but risky) manuever by makeing my planet go near another planet and useing the slingshot effect to boost me up into a closer orbit around Gemini.
Name of planet: Terrakhinu Name of star: Volcaroon Distance from star: Near Temphumid) Type:rocky Status of life:flyers Oxygen Life2: Swimmers nitrogen (what they breathe) Ocean Status: Vast Oceans Atmosphere Status:Large clouds oxygen\\ itrogen life status: plants I try to make part of the planet (not covered in oceans and only a very small part) into a desert hoping to evolve lizards. If I don't create lizards then I wont create a desert.
Name of planet: Terrakhinu Name of star: Volcaroon Distance from star: Near Temphumid) Type:rocky Status of life:flyers Oxygen Life2: Swimmers nitrogen (what they breathe) Ocean Status: Vast Oceans Atmosphere Status:Large clouds oxygen\\\\ itrogen life status: plants