In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.
Name of planet: Name of star: Distance from starclose,near,far) Tempmolten,Frozen\\ Typegas,Rocky) Status of life:none _____________________________________________________________________ Events:
that eill be your template fill in all the blanks every time you post you need your template. you will post your events and i will reply your outcome
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: humid Type:Rocky Land status: islands atmosphere status:large clouds (41% N2,40% Argon, 18% O2, 1% Other Gases) Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich works dork). ------------------------------------------------------ Status of life: Ape like creatures Population: 40,000 Homo Supierions Clans:19 Great clans:7 Evolutions:to legged walking ___________________________________________ Moon: Alpha B (lead core... heavy magnetosphere and clouds) atmosphere status: med..(give gases) clouds Land status: craters, mountains, Oceans status: large lakes life: Anphibians incects plants
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: humid Type:Rocky Land status: islands atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% N2,40% Argon, 18% O2(what you mean by that), 1% Other Gases) Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork). ------------------------------------------------------ Status of life: Ape like creatures Population: 40,000 Homo Supierions Clans:14 Great clans:12 Evolutions:two legged walking,( ad two more) ___________________________________________ Moon: Alpha B (lead core... heavy magnetosphere and clouds) atmosphere status: med..(give gases) clouds Land status: craters, mountains, Oceans status: great lakes life: Anphibians incects plants
Name of planet: Colona Name of star: Orion Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 5 seasons Type:rocky Status of life: Evolved man Atmosphere statusxygen/carbon normal Water status: coral reefs, many fish, large crabs Land status: mountains forest lakes, waterfalls Pop: 408,967,897,987 (Colona) secret governments: 20 colonized/conquered planets/moons: Far away planet Pegasus (different system)[3,586,794,075](stargate active) Colona moon Alpha I (598,877,242) (stargate active) Colona moon Alpha II (867,342,145) (stargate active) sister planet Prometheus (186,867,756,434) (stargate active) countrys:33 work fine together they never fight. Resorce: renewable Religon:100%Science science project: Defence: very very heavy
They've come. the fight has become increasingly hard to bear for out combined forces, but the good news is that our scientists will have a weapon ready to kill them in 1 page.
New.. Planet info Name of planet: Distructis Name of star: Gaspian Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 2 seasons Type:METAL Status of life: Evolved Cyborgs Atmosphere status:nitrogen/carbon normal Water status:none any more Land status: Citys ------------------------------ Population status Species name: Devistators Pop: 909,954,347,321,000(Distuctis) secret governments:1 colonized planets: Evo conquered planetsistructis moons:Fleet base(distructis) Resorce: repruducibale...(gains more every time) Religon:WAR science project:NEW terra forming 3 posts science project:atmosphereic artirrily(done)Freebie(30 page aniversity) ----------------------------------------------------------- Army detail Foot soldiers: seven feet 300 pounds power armored ... explosive ammo shoots 7 claiber bullets with computer guidedtarget locks... Tanks: hover tanks, atmospheric artillery(if entrinched)( Fusion cannons. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Space fleet Recon: super fast... "stealth mode" ( turns of all scanable signatures and still works Full terraforming kit... simple 6000mw laser Speeders:fast ok armor low weapons... fusion blaster, tracker missiles Cruiser: large... okay speeds Highr armors Med weapons Explosive fusion rockets... Vortex rockets ( teleports a single object( within reason) to a random location slow terraforming kit Grand class Battle ships: large... slow very Heavy armor highe powered weapons... nuclear fusion cannons, deloyeble speeders repair stations and slow terraforming kit... the army is only needed during a time of war...
IF YOU FIGNT IN A WAR YOU MUST ORGANIZE... Bicola do you want me to do yours... ( execpt the army part...)
and you cant have a more advanced technology than me, unless you are the enemy, but you cant be the enemy, because i clearly described the enemy and you are NOT it!
you can't be more advanced, that's just not fair.
and here is the site, but my pics look broken to me... is anyone else seeing the pics broken?
dude... i AM the enemy... i MADE the enemy.. i RUN the game dude... srry.. right after you said ( getting transmission... i made the enemy... I AM THE ENEMY ...
OHHHHH so thats what the repelcator thiny... ohhh good idea but... also... you NEED THE ARMY PART THEN... I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE USING IN YOUR ARMY SO THAT WAY YOU CANT SAY... but i have nuckes and invencibale shields... and my soldiers are more advance GOT IT
[url=] the planet info
Planet info Name of planet: Distructis Name of star: Gaspian Distance from star: close enough for life Temp:Tempreate 2 seasons Type:METAL Status of life: Evolved Cyborgs Atmosphere status:nitrogen/carbon normal Water status:none any more Land status: Citys ------------------------------ Population status Species name: Devistators Pop: 909,954,347,321,000(Distuctis) secret governments:1 colonized planets: Evo conquered planetsistructis moons:Fleet base(distructis) Resorce: repruducibale...(gains more every time) Religon:WAR science projectop colony part one 5 posts science projectop colony part two 10posts
Sucessful profects: atmosphereic artirrily PlNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) srry for the caps ----------------------------------------------------------- Army detail Foot soldiers: seven feet 300 pounds power armored ... explosive ammo shoots 7 claiber bullets with computer guidedtarget locks... Heavy soldiers: 7foot 5 , 300 pounds... with Fusion canons, Or missile launchers... target locks Tanks: hover tanks, atmospheric artillery(if entrinched)( Fusion cannons. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Space fleet
Recon: super fast... "stealth mode" ( turns of all scanable signatures and still works Full terraforming kit... simple 6000mw laser
Speeders:fast ok armor low weapons... fusion blaster, tracker missiles
Cruiser: large... okay speeds Highr armors Med weapons Explosive fusion rockets... Vortex rockets ( teleports a single object( within reason) to a random location slow terraforming kit
Grand class Battle ships: large... slow very Heavy armor highe powered weapons... nuclear fusion cannons, deloyeble speeders repair stations and slow terraforming kit...
Space stations: repair satations, training, full defences...
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: humid Type:Rocky Land status: islands atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% N2,40% Argon, 18% O2(what you mean by that), 1% Other Gases) Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork). ------------------------------------------------------ Status of life: Ape like creatures Population: 40,000 Homo Supierions Clans:14 Great clans:12 Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain. ___________________________________________ Moon: Alpha B (lead core... heavy magnetosphere and clouds) atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds Land status: craters, mountains, Oceans status: great lakes life: Anphibians incects plants
um... no. you can only be more advanced if you are my replicators. those are the enemy. i'm fighting them, not you. and unless you are them, there is no way i will engage you.
if you choose to be the replicators you must not have ground soldiers or foot soldiers or what not. you have one class. the replicator. there can be many more types of replicators, but you need time to create them, and it wastes a few pieces. (which is nothing to a replicator). the bigger the creation you make (out of smaller regular replicators) the more pieces you loose. this does not matter however, as they can easily replicate when given something to eat.
a small con to replicators... as i said before, they eat things to replicate. if they don't replicate, they will eventually die. so they eat whatever they can. (mostly metal items. they cant eat wood for example) this means that to replicate they must eat the ship that's carrying them while on the go. this decreases hull integrity, but that doesn't matter as long as it doesn't have any breaches. this is possible because the ship is adapted with highly advanced shields, that (like i said earlier) the replicators in the shield adapt to make very good.
the ship classes are any ships that are taken over, but since taking over ships is very easy with this much power, usually the ones that are kept are the bigger more advanced (in terms of technology) ones.
my planet's defenses include: The latest advanced ion cannon technology complete with laser fusion.
The latest shields (non-pierce-able) that can withstand a lot of torture before they even hit 80% integrity. there are better, and they are for the big ships, and can take a lot more.
the latest beam tech which means instant teleport kind of stuff. we can now beam up to 1,000 people at a time to a far away place with a range of at least 10 LY from the beam origin. (varies)
The latest hull design which helps speed and guns positioned for accuracy.
Th latest hyperspace travel speed, now 110% performance of our old design.
The latest communications relay, which allows for instantaneous communication all over the galaxy, and even in the pegasis galaxy. (sister galaxy to this one)
that's it, ship classes don't matter we mainly use all types of ship just think the latest ship that uses the technologies above. g2g be back in 2 hrs bye!
Name of planet: Nineveh Name of star: Tipperary Distance from star: Far Temp:Very cold, humid Type: Gas, with a ring inside the outer layer of clouds (this is where life might arise...) Status of life: Single celled organism