In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.
Name of planet: Name of star: Distance from starclose,near,far) Tempmolten,Frozen\\ Typegas,Rocky) Status of life:none _____________________________________________________________________ Events:
that eill be your template fill in all the blanks every time you post you need your template. you will post your events and i will reply your outcome
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas Status of life: Fish and insects, Dinosaurs, early cave men, Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
remeber you have an ecosystem that evolved to your current planet. canging one thing could cause a mass extintion. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name of planet: Melekh Name of star: Chemosh Distance from star: Near Core type: Iron Core status:slow left rotation Temp: Molten Type: Rocky atmosphere: 20% what? what kind of gas land: Volcanic mounds ocean: Gigantic ponds Status of life:none
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas Status of life: Fish and insects, Dinosaurs, early cave men, Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
I evolve the cave men?(I dont know if that is possible) I start small fires where the cave men can see it and then extinguish it I create caves which are capable of sheltering cave men.
Name of planet: Melekh Name of star: Chemosh Distance from star: Near Core type: Iron Core status:slow left rotation Temp: Molten Type: Rocky atmosphere: 20% Oxygen, 30% Nitrogen land: Volcanic mounds ocean: Gigantic ponds Status of life:none
I'll have a cluster of frozen asteroids strike the planet to cool it.
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas -------------------------------------------------------------Status of life:early cave men ( name) Population: Evolutions:Running Projects you NEED to do this to get a tech) tech:fire Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
Name of planet: Melekh Name of star: Chemosh Distance from star: Near Core type: Iron Core status:slow left rotation Temp: extremely hoyType: Rocky atmosphere: 20% Oxygen, 30% Nitrogen land: Volcanic mounds ocean: Gigantic ponds Status of life:none
Name of planet: Melekh Name of star: Chemosh Distance from star: Near Core type: Iron Core status:slow left rotation Temp: extremely hot Type: Rocky atmosphere: 20% Oxygen, 30% Nitrogen land: Volcanic mounds ocean: Gigantic ponds Status of life:none
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas -------------------------------------------------------------Status of life:early cave men (Sechier) Population: High Evolutions:Running ProjectsI dont know what projects I can do) tech:fire Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon I don't know what projects I can do. I try to teach cave men to make fire by creating lighted branch's so that the cave men can use fire.
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas -------------------------------------------------------------Status of life:early cave men (Sechier) Population: High Evolutions:Running Projects:Lighted Branches 2 posts tech:fire Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas -------------------------------------------------------------Status of life:early cave men (Sechier) Population: High Evolutions:Running Projects:Lighted Branches 2 posts tech:fire Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: large Lakes life status: fish birds Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: low ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
I try to evolve the birds in Delanar (better strength, speed, ability to submerse for short periods of time to catch food (fish))
im i was spending the night at my friends house... IM ON FALLL BREAK SuCKAS!!!
Name of planet: Gazimeir Name of star: Daztaer Distance from star:.9 AU Core type: Tungsten Core status: Med Spin ( med magnetosphere) Temp: hot Typeirt Land status:Sandy,Mountains, valleys, deserts Atmosphere status:Med Ozone Oxygen (60%) nitrogen(18%) Carbon dioxide (12%) Other variety of gases (10%) ocean status: Large seas -------------------------------------------------------------Status of life:early cave men (Sechier) Population: 202,501,415 Evolutions:Running, Add one ? post) Projects:Lighted Branches 1 posts tech:fire Resources Diamonds: 1000 deposits iron: 10000 depots Copper: 100000 depots uranium: 100 depots oil:24 plutonium: 1000000: depots (very useful) pure carbon depot: 100 -------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Levithan moon type: Made completely of metal and is spherical orbit type: Diagonal orbit with the axis of the planet Land status:none ocean status:none life status:none Purpose: Defensive space station (For future use, right now it's just a hunk of metal that is spherical and orbiting the planet, no other use as of yet) Size: Large Resources: Proton Crystils ------------------------------------------------- Moon status moon name: Delanar moon type: Early Earth orbit type: Horizontal orbit around planet Land status: sandy ocean status: small seas life status: fish birds( evo)the evo mark means that this creature is nex for population marker and projects and what not... Purpose: Expansion for planet (For future use, no use as of now, it is simply a smaller planet in orbit around a larger planet) Atmosphere status: med ozone Size: Large resources: pure carbon
Name of planet: Alpha Name of star: Gemini Distance from star: 1.4 AU Temp: humid Type:Rocky Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core. Land status: islands atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases) Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork). ------------------------------------------------------ Status of life: Very advanced Hupans Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions Secret government:2 Governments:36 Countrys:10 Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced) Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.) Projects: operation planet expantion colonize b and terraform c ___________________________________________ Moon: Alpha b.(heavy magnetosphere and clouds) atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds Orbit: Retrograde Orbit with a 3:2 Spin resonance with Alpha. Eccentricicity is 0.000242 core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core. Land status: craters, mountains, valleys, Ring status:gold/ ice Oceans status: great lakes life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants ---------------------------------------------- Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates) Core Status: Cooled off Mantle. atmosphere status: none gases. none Orbit: 2:1 Resonance with Alpha b (also orbits retrograde motion) eccentricity of 0.0032432 Land status: mountains (earthquake) Oceans status: nope life: none