My vote goes to the insane German surgeon from The Human Centipede. That guy made me laugh (at him, not at his victims; I'm not a sadist, you sadist). His impression of a chicken was what did it for me. I wish I could find that on YouTube...
I've seen a lot of Michael Myers movies, so I guess him. I was thinking of picking Scream but he doesn't look very scary compared to the other horror movie characters.
U know that movie when the world ended with the 9 living puppets. All 9 of those people/puppets gave me the heebie-jeebies. That movie failed hard at the box office.
I don't watch horror movies. My grandpa sent a "click the red dot to go to the next picture" then it went to a finding nemo pic with a bunch of red bubbles.
I went up really close to the screen to find it, click it and then the exorcist girl or grudge person screamed in my face. I still have trouble sleeping at night sometimes. that is why i will never watch horror movies.