ForumsForum GamesNeoZero-027 - Era of new Species

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402 posts

Okay, I know there are many evolving rpg's out there, but they seem to be all the same, dull, empty, rpg topics that don't really have anything special in them. But if you just gave this one a chance, I promise you I will try to keep my grammar as correct as possible, I wont quit playing this all of a sudden, and I will try to be as consistent as possible in other ways too. And I also hope the players will offer the same thing in return.


The Planet Is 'NeoZero-027' Unknown to Mankind, but populated with unique, ever-evolving species' that compete to become the ruling species on the planet, and you are about to become one of them. You will start as a tiny living cell organism in the sea, but you will evolve into a great swimming, walking, or perhaps even flying species! Good luck.

Planet Info: (note that only I post this)
Atmosphere: Calm
Terrain: 65% Sea - 35% Land with plenty of forests, Hills, and suitable environments, also has a tundra area, and a volcano.
Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur
2. Platinum-Accipitridae
3. Magma-Odobenus
4. Coldiumreptile
5. JungleFurry
6. GooHopper
7. Candysting


This shall be the sheet used to contain all the information about one member of your species (The rest of your species will evolve with you, but we only focus on one):

Species Name:
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Exp: 0/5
Food: (Herbi-carni-omni-vore gets decided when you start eating stuff)
Status: Fine
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
(note that unlike in the other evolution games, in this one you actually have to evolve your species..)
Body: Cell - Tiny (deside the color please)
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 1 (Gets affected by your body type; Scaly, shell, ect.)
Attack: 1 (Gets affected by teeth, claws, ect.)
Defense: 1 (Gets affected by shells, horns, ect.)
Speed: 1 (Gets affected by legs, body, tail, ect.)
Weight: 1 (High weight = Slow but strong, Low weight = Fast but weak)
Intelligence: 1 (this doesn't get affected straightly from anything, but you have to learn things to increase it, if you want to evolve)


I think that's all for now. I know it sounds a little complicated, but at least try it. Maybe it will become easier when you start playing it. I mean, this is the most complicated RPG I have made here, but I feel like I can take it.

PS: If you didn't already notice by the empty spots in the planet, I am taking 3 players in.

  • 110 Replies
904 posts

After seeing the complexity of this. I think i may not be capable of co-hosting :P

2,105 posts

Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 12
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 0/10
Status: Fine, full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1) - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 2

I observe the habits of other creatures to increase mah smrtness

904 posts

Species Name: Narga Cuga
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 1/10
Food: Carnivore
Status: Fine, Full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny - Black
Head: Cell - Tiny - Black with Red around the eyes
Jaws: Row of small teeth
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small Strong Fin
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 3
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

I'll just swim around, attempting to increase speed.

904 posts

I will co-host again, sorry about that. I was writing some notes on what i could do (Complex wise). So if your still here i will continue for you till Tossavainen comes back.

904 posts

Species Name: Zyberian Zeras
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Exp: 3/5
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny (You need a color)
Head: Cell - Tiny (You need a color)
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

You eat a few pieces of plankton that flow in the water, and you like it. Even with your very primitive brains, you think to yourself that this might be the food you will prefer. You became a herbivore! You also get some exp for making this choice.

You are now filled with delicious nutrients, and you might want to go searching around the ocean. Would you want to try to communicate with other microbes? would you want to go as far into the ocean as you have the stamina to swim? Or swim around as fast as you can to raise your speed? Or perhaps something else. Pretty much anything you want to do will raise your exp, but depending on what you do, you might even get a certain stat raise.


Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 12
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 2/10
Status: Fine, full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1) - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 3

Swimming in the blue ocean you observe as the other cells feed off of fresh plants and juicy meat. Spectating the way the other cells act. Your tiny brain gains a bit of knowledge. Your intelligence increases by 1. As well as your total experience.

2,105 posts

Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 12
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 2/10
Status: Fine, full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1) - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 3

i look for more food.

904 posts

Just updating my sheet.

Species Name: Narga Cuga
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 2/10
Food: Carnivore
Status: Fine, Full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny - Black
Head: Cell - Tiny - Black with Red around the eyes
Jaws: Row of small teeth (atk+1, spd+1, Health+1, Def+1)
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small strong fin (Health+1, Def+1, Attack+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

You swim in the deep blue area. Quickly dashing left and right, zig-zagging everywhere. The cell goes faster dodging debris. Your speed increases by 1.
Your experience also goes up slightly.

904 posts

Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 4/10
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine, Stuffed
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1) - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 3

Its not hard before you find some seaweed floating in the distance. You bite down and start sucking the juicy vitamins out of the plant. Your also very stuffed, your cell body cannot handle anymore food. Although you did gain some experience from the seaweed.

Also a note, when the host comes back i will talk to him about the stats so he can fix them up if their a bit messy. So just leave them how they are, in the Stats section.

1,126 posts

Species Name: Zyberian Zeras
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Exp: 3/5
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Green that changes to a Pale Yellow)
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

I communicate to other microbes on the search for more edible plant.

2,105 posts

Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 4/10
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine, Stuffed
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1) - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 3

I run around to increase speed & burn off the food i've eaten

3,426 posts

Species Name: Tigran Diago
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Exp: 2/5
Food: Carnivore
Status: Fine, Full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny - Orange with Blue stripes
Head: Cell - Tiny - Orange
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 1
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

I search for microbes.

3,426 posts

What I aim to be.

402 posts

Alright guys! I'm back! Sorry It took so long, I slept late.. Anyway, I'll start replying in a bit, and also Jalapeno:

You did an AMAZING job keeping the game complex and enjoyable, I mean I can't believe how similar it was to my writing! I will let you co-host this even more sometimes, sense you seem to be awake right when I'm sleeping, I think it might help move the game on if I'm sleeping for a long time.

402 posts

I see we have passed the player limit but.. I guess we can handle 4 players. Btw, If you want some music while reading this stuff (I know it sounds stupid, but I definitely recommend it, it really makes it easy to imagine the planet of ever-competing species' and you are one of them) Heres a link to a song from the game 'Frozen Synapse' amazingly fitting for this game, in my opinion:

Oh, and also, this time I remembered to update everyones weight status.

Planet Info:
Atmosphere: Calm
Terrain: 65% Sea - 35% Land with plenty of forests, Hills, and suitable environments, also has a tundra area, and a volcano.
Nothing to report

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur
2. Platinum-Accipitridae
3. Magma-Odobenus
4. Coldiumreptile
5. JungleFurry
6. GooHopper
7. Candysting
8. Adepte Descolodia
9. Narga Cuga
10. Zyberian Zeras
11. Tigran Diago


Species Name: Narga Cuga
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 3/10
Food: Carnivore
Status: Fine, Tired
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny - Black
Head: Cell - Tiny - Black with Red around the eyes
Jaws: Row of small teeth
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small strong fin
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 5
Weight: 2
Intelligence: 1

After swimming in the great sizes of the ocean with your new fin, you realize that you have gone a long way from where you started, and you don't even know the direction anymore because you zig-zagged so much. Since you don't really see much food, or other microbes anymore, You deside to go even deeper in the sea.
A horrible big teethed 'mircrobe-cell-fish' being swims straight towards you from the depths of the sea, and is planning on eating you! It's about twice your size. What do you do? Run or fight? (Your speed is bigger than your attack and defense, but if you plan on fighting, you could end up as a hero or.. fish food.)

Make your choice.


Species Name: Zyberian Zeras
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 0/10
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine, Full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny (Dark Green)
Head: Cell - Tiny (Green that changes to a Pale Yellow)
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 2
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 2

You try to communicate to other cells, but as you notice it is not easy to do that when they don't even know the difference between left and right. But you start following a few of them, as they make their way to a great little seaweed plantation, and you start nomming' on it. Your intelligence gets raised by 1, as well as your health. You level up! You get 2 Evo-points!
(You should know how this works by know)


Small fast fin (spd+2, Health+1)
Small strong fin (Health+1, Def+1, Attack+1)
Small scaly fin (Def+2, Health+1)


4 Teeth (atk+2, Spd+1, Health+1)
2 Serrated Fangs (atk+3, Health+1)
Row of small teeth (atk+1, spd+1, Health+1, Def+1)
2 Small Sharp teeth (atk+1, spd+2, Health+1)


Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+1, Int+1)
Thick Cell - Small (Health+2, Int+1)
Frontal Lobe Cell - Small (Int+2)


Slim Cell - Tiny (Health+1, Spd+2, Def+1)
Thick Cell - Small (Health+2, Spd+1, Def+1)
Scaly Cell - Small (Health+1, Def+3)
Fat Cell - Medium (Health+3, Def+1)
Spiky Cell - Small (Def+2 Atk+2)


Scaly Shell - Small (Def+3)
Spiky Shell - Small (Def+1, Atk+2)
Thick Shell - Medium (Health+1, Def+2)
Slim Shell - Tiny (Spd+2, Def+1)


Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 5/10
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine, Exhausted
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 6
Weight: 2
Intelligence: 3

You swim in the deep blue area. Quickly dashing left and right, zig-zagging everywhere. The cell goes faster dodging debris. Your speed increases by 1, and you have burned out most of the food you have eaten. You are now exhausted.
Your experience also goes up slightly.

What's Next?


Species Name: Tigran Diago
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 0.5
Evo-Exp: 4/5
Food: Carnivore
Status: Fine, Full
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Cell - Tiny - Orange with Blue stripes
Head: Cell - Tiny - Orange
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Fin - Tiny
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 1
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Speed: 2
Weight: 1
Intelligence: 1

You easily find lots of little microbes swimming around you, and if I understood correctly, you wanted to fight them? If that's right, then you get a boost in speed and attack! You also get some exp, but you don't quite level up.

What do you want to do now?


Planet Info after this round:
Atmosphere: Calm
Terrain: 65% Sea - 35% Land with plenty of forests, Hills, and suitable environments, also has a tundra area, and a volcano.
"THE VOLCANO HAS ERUPT! Leaving many little JungleFurries under the lava, GooHopper has taken over It's place!

Top Species Ranking:
1. Daemonsaur
2. Platinum-Accipitridae
3. Magma-Odobenus
4. Coldiumreptile
5. GooHopper
6. JungleFurry
7. Candysting
8. Adepte Descolodia
9. Narga Cuga
10. Zyberian Zeras
11. Tigran Diago

2,105 posts

Species Name: Adepte Descolodia
Hp: 10
Evo-Lvl: 1
Evo-Exp: 5/10
Food: Herbivore
Status: Fine, Exhausted
Weapon: 2 Tiny fangs
Armor: None
Evolution Status:
Body: Slim Cell - Tiny - Blue
Head: Cell - Tiny
Jaws: 2 fangs
Shell: None
Legs: None
Arms: None
Tail: Small fast fin
Wings: None
Details: None
Health: 4
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 6
Weight: 2
Intelligence: 3

i try to pick on weaker microbes to get better at self defense

You might try to make defensive attacks & offensive. things that benefit herbivores.also i lov ed the frozen synapse.

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