The Joker from the Dark Knight. I really didn't want to have to go with the crowd, but he is just so dang insane. He's mental and that's just what makes him awesome....
Voldemort has no compassion and murders without feeling. He's an ice cold killa! Darth Vader has some type of conscience, so he's not nearly as evil as Voldemort
I don't know, I think that the Joker was kind of misrepresented in the Dark Knight. He wasn't supposed to be in it for the mindless killing, he was supposed to be in it for the laughs. But that's just my opinion.
Also, my favorite movie villain is Agent Smith from the Matrix. 100% bamf.
Hmmm... I'd go with Emperor Palpatine. He was pulling all the strings from the very beginning. He was beyond redemption. He'd sacrifice Darth Vader in a heartbeat. Just watch episode VI.
Hmmm... I'd go with Emperor Palpatine. He was pulling all the strings from the very beginning. He was beyond redemption. He'd sacrifice Darth Vader in a heartbeat. Just watch episode VI.
He's like a cross between Stalin and Hitler. He's got the military strength and fear factor of Hitler (and even a similar rise to power), with the near-endless expendable troops like Stalin had. Also the control of keeping his power unchecked like Stalin did by killing political leaders who disagreed with him.