I'm looking for some RPG game there is a way to search for all the possible RPGs to play with?The only search option are Action/Adventure/Arcade/Shooting/Puzzel&Skill/Strategy/Sport/MiscThere is no Roleplaying or RPG search only?
An RPG will most likely be in the adventure section, try that first. (:
Thanks i will try that. =P
bx=1&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&fp=6a466a86c28e7859&ion=1&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=6a466a86c28e7859&biw=1366&bih=679&ion=1">By the power of GRAYSKULL!If the link doesn't work for whatever reason, type this into Google:site:armorgames.com/play RPG
You mock me Graham. (;Does that work for every type of game, like site:armorgames.com/play Elephant?
What it does it look on all the pages armorgames.com/play for the keyword non-case-sensitive [/i]RPG[i]. Which hopefully is either in the title or description of the game.
Alright, thanks. But Achille, the AG3 search engine will be a lot more better, so you can you that until it comes out.
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