ForumsThe TavernAny good ghost stories?

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655 posts

I'm going to a campout on Friday and I need some good ghost stories to tell around the campfire. We're going to be up in the woods, so any stories around that would be great. They can be funny, scary, gruesome, etc. (preferably gruesome). I just want something that will freak everyone else out : ) . Also, if you could leave a link, that would be great.

  • 15 Replies
5,952 posts

A boy went out on a camping trip. Then he was going to call his mom when he became horrified..... he had no bars!
No but really try and google it

655 posts

I was going to google it, but then I got bored....

3,139 posts

I was going to google it, but then I got bored....

Took more to post a thread about it lol.
There you go:

Ghost Stories.
9,438 posts

This isnt really scary. But there was a Ghost that went around the street. He would knock on every house door saying " Hello, anybody there?" and when the person did come up to the door he killed them. One by One he went to every house killing people and he would keep knocking saying the same thing until a person came.

I bet that story makes salesmen angry.
9,462 posts

Steve, Rodger and Bryan heard how the local woods they lived near was haunted. Grabbing flashlights and a camera they decided to go investigating along the trail leading into the woods.
As they approached, Bryan started to get scared and decided to stay behind. So Steve and Rodger went into the woods without him. As they walked around they heard the sounds of the wildlife around them, but no ghosts. Getting bored and a bit hungry they decided to head back.
When the got back to the start of the trail just outside the woods, their friend Bryan was no where to be seen. They called out to him a few times, but no one answered. They thought maybe he started back home without them. So they started back when they heard Byran's voice call out "STEVE!". The two boys went running to where they heard the voice, but when they got there, no one was around. They thought maybe Bryan was playing a prank on them and continued back to Bryan's home.
fifteen minutes later they arrived at Bryan's home and knocked on the door. Bryan answered. The two boys asked him about the prank he pulled on them, but Bryan didn't know what they were talking about. He said shortly after Steven and Rodger went into the woods he saw a ball of light dancing around in the woods, got scared and left.
According to him and confirmed by his mother and sister he had gotten back nearly an hour ago. But it had only been about fifteen minutes when Steve and Rodger had heard Bryan calling to them.

655 posts


13,344 posts

On a night, just like tonight, a group of friends went camping in these very woods. They brought their radio along so they could listen to their favorite pop stations while roughin' it. As they were tuning it, they heard a bulletin that Johnny The Campsite Stabber had escaped from prison again. Horrified, the four friends ran into their tent that they all shared, because they were poor and also midgets, knowing that Johnny The Campsite Stabber had been put away for stabbing people who were camping in the woods (who would've guessed?). The four friends huddled together, too afraid to sleep or even move, until the fire finally went out. Finally, too tired to stay awake any longer, they all finally fell asleep. When they woke up, they realized their tent was missing, and so were their sleeping bags, and all of the trees in the forest as well. The four poor midget friends were all puzzled as to what had happened to everything. Instead of trying to figure out what the hell happened like normal people, they raced back to their car so they could get out of there as soon as possible. But the car was missing! They all pulled out their cellphones to call for help, but they all had AT&T so none of their calls got through. All that was left to do was walk until they found something. They must have walked 10 miles before noticing a patch of woods that hadn't yet vanished. Desperate for food and water, they headed straight for the woods; which was dumb, because had they walked 10 miles in the other direction, they would've come across a 7-11 and an Arby's. They walked about 2 or so miles into the woods before they spotted something. It appeared to be some sort of abandoned campsite. The weird thing was, it was exactly like their campsite, only there was a man lying face down a few feet from the tent. They discovered a radio, also lying face down, next to where the campfire would have been. They turned it on, and it was set to the Latin music station. They then looked over at the unconscious man, who was holding a knife in his right hand.

So what the hell went on that night? Well, as had been stated earlier on the radio, Johnny The Campsite Stabber had escaped from the local prison. Knowing that this was the nearest popular campsite, he decided to act on it to see if he could harvest a few victims. Unfortunately for him, it was pitch black that night, and the four midget friends left their 1967 transistor radio on the ground near the tent. Johnny accidentally stepped on it, which caused him to trip and somehow turned it on to the Latin music station. Johnny hit his head on a large rock and remained unconscious for quite some time.

But why did those four campers end up 12 miles from their campsite? Well, what I neglected to mention was that all four midgets were sleepwalkers; but not just sleepwalkers, Congo-line sleepwalkers. After Johnny turned on the radio, all four of them heard the music and started dreaming about Congo lines. That, of course, led to them forming a Congo line in their sleep. One of them even started singing along to the beat, and didn't stop singing for 12 miles. They ended up waking in an open plain in a field of grass.

Well, there it is. This is my ghost story that I just came up with on the spot. It isn't scary whatsoever, but it sure would confuse the hell out of people.

433 posts

Dude how long did it take for you to type that?!

13,344 posts

Took me about a half an hour. I didn't think much into the storyline, I just kept writing until the story concluded itself. That's generally what ends up happening when I write things, the words just keep on flowing.

I promise that there will be more ghost stories from me in the near future, even though none of them will probably end up involving ghosts.

196 posts

an odd glitch in minecraft although nearly all documented &quotroof" is a lie
its sorta like watching a minecraft horror movie

2,226 posts

I've got quite a few on this thread. It hasn't had much attention lately, but it's got A LOT of stories to be shared.

74 posts

I have an unreal ghost story here it is.4 serial killers just broke out of jail and then they come in the woods.While there in the woods they find a house,once they stepped in the house the people were eating hearts!They got out there guns and the people ate most of them!The Last guy got pushed in the room by the people,and they feasted on him and thats the end!Thats my freaky story!

106 posts

A good ghost story should have a ghost in it. That is, after all, what makes it a ghost story. So I'm sorry that mine doesn't.

An old lady, lives on her own with her dog. When she gets scared at nights, she puts her hand under the bed and the dog licks it.

One night she is listening to the radio and she hears that a madman has escaped from the local psychiatric unit.
"He is dangerous and should not be approached".

That night she goes to bed and hears a drip, drip, drip. She feels scared so puts her hand under the bed and the dog licks it. Drip, drip, drip - again she puts her hand under the bed and the dog, he licks it. Drip, drip, drip - she can't stand it any more, so hunts around the house until she finds where the drip is coming from.

The noise seems to be coming from her kitchen cupboard. Slowly, she opens the door - creak... and there's her dog, hanging upside down in the cupboard. Drip, drip, drip goes his blood. She is horrified, but as she turns to phone the police she notices a note pinned to the dog.

The note reads "Not only dogs can lick..."

She draws a knife from a drawer. Trying to be brave, she heads upstairs. She hears the floorboard squeek behind her and turns suddenly. But as she turned back...


156 posts

And if you don't know anymore stories, or can't remember; you can always talk about terror films, that always works.

2,906 posts


I havent had a good laugh in a while. thank you for that.
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