I don't. I was just flipping thru channels one day and WTF a lady is rolling up her car window to crush her husband's neck when he leaned in to kiss her and wish her a safe trip to wherever. That channel is messed up!
I'm going to go with a toss-up between with Gus Van Sant's "Last Days" or Vincent Gallo's "The Brown Bunny". Both are terrible, terrible films that contain some of the most pretentiously un-artistic filmmaking I've ever witnessed. "Last Days" is the kind of movie where an almost three minute long shot of nothing but a television playing a music video on MTV is one of the highlights and the less said about "The Brown Bunny" the better. Utter trash, both of them.
im not suprised that almost nowon knos about monsters or monkey man. No not that pixar movie, Monsters inc.; monsters. rent it from red box or blockbuster express or watever its called, get monsters, and let me just say my baby sister wouldn't be scared, and shes TWO.
If you get it watch it, you'll think somthing scary is going to happen, but its either huge things mating, getting surounded by cows, yep cows, or some other crap. But there is one part, just it's funnyer watching it on a disc than computer, but watch and forever want to see that movie. than after watching you'd probably never want to see it again.
Oh and monkey man, me, my dad, and my older brother only watched like 2 minites befor turning it of.
srry can't find the vid on youtube, but one thing for that scene. quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, woof!
it'll probably be one of those tapes that clean your VHS or something like that XD well actually it would be cheerleader ninjas disturbing and very nasty it makes my stomach churn thinking of it. But i think some(a very small amount. VERY!) people would enjoy it. watch it for yourselves.
Monsters: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1470827/ It looks good, but the story starts in the middle of an outbreak which is not explained. The characters have no background, so when someone dies we don't have an emotional bond to care that they are dead or missed. And then it ends without any explanation of where they are going or what will happen.
Win Win.... no point the guy lies....the mom lies....the boy lies......the guy gets found out...he becomes a bartender...and i dont like wrestling either.....