Ok so, the last Picture War got locked because of SPAM so don't SPAM, when you post your picture say how it beats the other picture, or at least say something pertaining to your picutre and remember, NO SPAM!Ok if I mess this up I'm sorry.
Unfortunately, rock paper scissors was mixed around and nobody knew what beat who.
MrPockets believes sharks with laser beams attached to their fricken' heads would win
I believe that a roundhouse kick beats anything and everything. Period.
How would you like to see my Falcon Punch in action?
I copy your falcon punch. This is the result of said action:
I blow them both up with TNT.
I use my defusal kit to prevent your C4 from blowing up.
Machetes never run out of ammo, unlike your rifle.
Until you run out of ammo. That was kinda the point. -.-"
You're "gun" doesn't need bullets. It needs soap!
Which is why I said that was your gun. It was yours.
Its a good thing reality is just a computer program. Oh, wait...
Computer regenerates. Like so:
Science: Where would we be without it?
Where we already would be if there weren't.
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