ForumsPopular MediaWhat is your most favorite or least favorite Harry Potter Movie?

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I personally hate Hp but I watched hp 7 part 2 before this question

  • 18 Replies
172 posts

i didnt enjoy Order of The Pheonix. I like Azkaban and HP Deathly Hollows Part2

17 posts

I loved (and hated) hp 7 pt two. everything about it was good, acting, fights, soundtrack, but why WHY did tonx and reamus have to die?!?!

13,657 posts

but why WHY did tonx and reamus have to die?!?!

Because the director wanted to follow the book, I assume.

@Divy: A little odd to make a thread on a series you don't like, isn't it?

Anyway. Now, the movies are in general quite good in my opinion, at least when they try to be independent movies. When they screw this up, they end up being rather confusing, and only the people who actually read the books will get the full message of the plot. However, these people will also be the people most annoyed with the movies, and will scream that they ruined the story, forgot whatever plotpoint and so forth.
The half-blood prince is a good example of this, in my opinion, mainly because the movies simply ends up being boring and confusing to the audience, trying to tell a story, but not doing so convincingly.

On the other end, the newly premiered DHp2 was quite amazing to look at, and did a good job explaining an otherwise complicated plot. Even the [potential spoiler] epilogue made more sense than it did in the books (a part I disliked when reading it), which I will applaud it for.[/potential spoiler]
This of course had the advantages of 11 years towards the first movie, both in special effects as well as familiarity with the characters and cast, and the growing maturity and talent of said cast, which means I will mention another good runner up, which, in my opinion, deserves the mention.
The Chamber of Secrets is one of the movies I find to be doing a good job at telling the story, perhaps clouded by nostalgia, but most of the film was set up to be a great adventure and exploration of the characters and their fears. This is also the first time we meet a Horcrux, and in the sense of the series, the first step towards the end-goal. It also gave a lot more insight into both Harry and Riddle, and the first few steps towards the bullying Harry has to go through throughout the years.
And the basilisk was quite cool.

But in general, a fine work of story telling. Not fantastic, but indeed good enough to make it one of the better series in the genre of fantasy.
4,104 posts

The first 3 movies were great, after that the series took a down fall. The fourth movie kind of just thrusts you into it and is all action. The fifth movie was just terrible in every way and was one of the worst movies i have ever seen. The sixth was also pretty bad, but was better than the fifth and was mainly used for plot progression. The first part of the seventh movie was all plot progression and was just them arguing in the forest for the majority of the movie. The second part of the seventh movie (i saw it at the 12:00AM opening showing) was great, they covered the entire plot and still had a lot of action. HP7P2 was probably the best movie in the series.

13,657 posts

Wouldn't call DHp1 plot progression. It is mainly character development to me, while covering the story. It wasn't bad because of it, and without the movie progressing as it did, the second part most likely would not have gone over as well as it did.

GoF is actually one of the better books, but the film never gave it the justice it deserved. It revolved primarily around the tournament, which made the story telling somewhat chunky and hard to swallow. The ending was however quite epic and dark, just like the ending of OotP was. OotP was quite something, and not as stubbornly annoying as the book, which was mainly Harry being a whiny teenager. The exploration of the link between Harry and Riddle was also better portrayed in that one, and leads nicely towards the use of it in DHp2.

1,405 posts

I love all the movies but i didnt like the 6th and 4th one. Spoiler !!!!!!!! Because they burned down the burrow.

383 posts

Favorite would probably be Prisoner of Azkaban.

Least would be Hallows, Part 1. It was a whole lot of nothing.

13,344 posts

My favorite is the Half-Blood Prince, because although the ending is quite dark, most of the movie has a laid-back vibe to it that the other films don't seem to have.

My least favorite is the Order of the Pheonix, because it seemed like it was all action and not much else. I found it much harder to follow than the others.

WHY did tonx and reamus have to die?!?!

Because their characters didn't add anything to the movie whatsoever.
2,906 posts

the fourth was my favorite, because it was the most epic. the third was my least favorite because it was boring and voldemort wasnt in it at all.

2,917 posts

Because their characters didn't add anything to the movie whatsoever.

With out Lupin, Harry would be dead.

I love Chamber of Secrets. Fun, exciting and a great CP game to boot.

Goblet of Fire makes me tear up when Sedrick's dad is crying. Every time.

Least fav: DH P1. I fell asleep. Nuff said.
9,821 posts

DHp2 was faneffingtastic. The 5th and 6th movies were the low point of the series, but both of the Deathly Hallows ones, as well as the first three and kinda the 4th movies, were great at conveying the books' messages and plotlines without being too faithful to the books - they worked quite well.

108 posts

ive read all the books and watched all the movies and i would have to say that hp7 part 2 was the best by far its sad that the harry potter saga has ended though

172 posts

Ok so i honestly have no idea why im writing this but wat ev

Scorcerors Stone: Thought the movie was a great movie but i thought it was a little hard to jump into.

Favorite Scene: When Harry and the first years walk into the great hall and are greeted by Professor McGonnagoll and Snape is in the background staring and Harry, that just gave you the feeling he was up to something...

Favorite Character: Severous Snape of course

Chamber of Secrets: I liked it because of all the action and excitement in the film.

Favorite Scene: When Harry meets Professor Lockhart and you see the Pixies fly everywhere.

Favorite Character: Tom Marvola Riddle

Ill get back to you on the other movies latter

13,344 posts

With out Lupin, Harry would be dead.

What I meant was, their personalities didn't add anything to the movies. They may have been important characters, but they really didn't have important personalities.
172 posts

Ya im with Ernie15 i WISHED Lupin and Tonks would die, they freak me out!!!

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