Ok guys i just finished this game and i noticed that there is a locked door that requires a key to open in the building next to Harison & Harrison on the right side. The problem is that i cant find the key to that door anywhere... Are you guys having the same problem or if you found that door key where is it located ?
Hi guys, would you please be able to spare two minutes not even that to fill out my questionnaire on Sound For Games, It would be much appreciated as your feedback counts! It would be a massive help for my college course, thanks! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9YMDK5Q
sadly this game is prolly the last one of its kind from Con Artist :/ theyre to **** busy makin money off of deadzone now and tht game sucks..they rlly need to continue makin games like union city and warfare cuz they greatt
I got supremely lucky, I found a Spec Ops Uzi. Actually, maybe not TOO lucky, because I bought one about 5 minutes earlier >_> But about 10-15 minutes after THAT, a SINGLE zombie dropped a Suppressed Uzi, and a Spec Ops UMP45 along with a few dozen rounds of ammo for most ammo types.
I've found a great hack for TLS: UC. It can edit almost any thing you want, from stats, premium to weapons and even companions!
My current luck is 10000 and every time when I kill a backpack zombie a whole bunch of stuff would fly out and cover the floor, even a record breaking 4 backpack zombies in 1 room. Dropping from RPGs, M249s, and alot of rifles + attributes.