A debate on the topic for the legalization of euthanasia(Doctor assisted suicide)
I believe that it is the right of an individual to avoid the pain and suffering of a terminal illness and die a dignified death as long as there are several ground rules that Doctors, patients, and family abide by.
While some may argue that there are famalies that would force their relative into euthanasia for their own personal gain of claiming the items left in their will. While this would be a concern steps could be placed in order to prevent this; Psychiatrist can interview the recipient in order to confirm their personal desire to be euthanized. Another option is to place a lock on the distribution of the last will and testament for a set amount of time so that the family stands to gain no immediate benefit, thus curving the desire of families to pressure the recipient into the procedure. Another option would be to interview and background check the members that stand to gain from the death in an attempt to uncover any motives that are not for the benefit of the recipient. With these steps along with others it would guarantee that no unwilling patient will be euthanized.
Legalizing euthanasia would prevent agonizing deaths by those who seek to preform the procedure themselves whether it be by means of suicide or through back ally doctors. With doctors administrating the correct chemical and dosage in a comfortable environment the patient is allowed to die in a dignified, painless, and timely manor compared to the agony of a drug overdose or the cocktail of drugs given to them by an unlicensed professional. Allowing patients to choose euthanasia as an option also frees space and funds in hospitals to focus on non-terminal patients.
Some may argue that euthanasia's legalization presents a religious issue. No religious belief should be apart of the legalization of euthanasia in the United States as we have as the first amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Some may still argue that suicide is against their religious beliefs, however, that belief should rest solely on the shoulders of the patient who desires the procedure and not on those on the outside.
While there are many more points that could be made for and against it's legalization I would rather stimulate discussion amongst other posters rather than compiling a large list
Whatever. I'm tired of trying to make my point. Everyone just keeps fighting back at me.
Because this is a debate forum
Let us look at an example: A 90 year old guy having lung cancer. His family and friends are all dead. Every step he's making and every breath he takes hurts. He neither can go to toilet nor wash himself without help. Why should he want to life? I would end my life...
Whatever. I'm tired of trying to make my point. Everyone just keeps fighting back at me.
Aw c'mon, be sportive! At least answer my last point: why should be oblige all people to live only because of a few individual cases where it ended well?