Any room Mav?I would love to play in your rpg.
Theres five escape pods (from the story), and five players. But you should talk to Hyper, he might have something you could do. If not, I can notify you if a player dies.
Leader Name: Tegael
Leader Age: 21
Gender: Male
Description: Slightly tall, of average build, short brown hair, blue eyes.
Biography: He always wanted to travel in space, and Dionysus 4 was just the opportunity he was looking for.
Allegiance: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Health: 40/40
Condition: Healthy
Stregnth: 3
Intelligence: 8 [+1]
Agility: 5
Charisma: 6
Perception: 6 [+1]
Endurance: 4
Skills: Renaissance Man, Eagle Eye
Head: Space Helmet
Torso: Space Suit
Left Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Right Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Left Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Right Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Hands: Space Suit Gloves
Feet: Space Suit Boots
Primary Hand: Stick
Off Hand: Small Knife
Inventory[carried]: Empty
Group Size: 0
Technology: None
Allegiance: None
Supplies: None
Secondary Supplies: None
You follow them, and they keep on walking.
These boots'll keep on walking. Thats just what they do. These boots'll keep on walking, and there gonna walk right over you.__________
Leader Name: Bicola Rogers
Leader Age: 21
Gender: Male
Description: 5'5, brown hair, brown eyes.
Biography: Lived as a scientist, however has had some military training once.
Allegiance: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Health: 40/40
Condition: Healthy
Stregnth: 5
Intelligence: 8 [+1]
Agility: 5
Perception: 5 [+1]
Endurance: 4
Skills: Eagle Eye, Renaissance Man
Head: Space Helmet
Torso: Space Suit
Left Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Right Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Left Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Right Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Hands: Space Suit Gloves
Feet: Space Suit Boots
Primary Hand: Small Knife.
Off Hand: Empty.
Inventory[carried]: Empty
Group Size: 0
Technology: None
Allegiance: None
Supplies: None
Secondary Supplies: None
You're far away from the crash site. You were marching towards the distant trees. I'll let you pick something else.__________
Leader Name: Aleister Pike
Leader Age: 24
Gender: Male
Description: Lanky but well-built, and somewhat pale.
Biography: Ever since Aleister had been a small boy, he had been fixated with space. He was always an A-student in astronomy, physics, and the like. At the age of 18, he passed the tests at the I.S.S. with flying colors.
Allegiance: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Health: 50
Condition: Healthy
Strength: 4 [+1]
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 5
Charisma: 6 [+1]
Perception: 4
Endurance: 5
Skills: Pack Mule, All Bark
Head: Space Helmet
Torso: Space Suit
Left Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Right Arm: Space Suit Sleeve
Left Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Right Leg: Space Suit Leggings
Hands: Space Suit Gloves
Feet: Space Suit Boots
Primary Hand: Small Knife.
Off Hand: Empty.
Inventory[carried]: Empty
Group Size: 0
Technology: None
Allegiance: None
Supplies: None
Secondary Supplies: None
Krugg speaks:
'That sounds nice. Just being neighborly.'
Drugg speaks:
'Us Boarans have tried to be amicable, but the Lupinians and Fee-Lyons always break down diplomacy. We *try* to do the right thing, but they always screw us over. Arseholes.'