ForumsThe TavernPlagiarism

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113 posts

Lately I have been seeing playgerism going on at Armor Games. I have to cases Mega Miner, and Dude and Zombies. I am posting my reply to Mega Miner here, you can see the one that I posted In Dude and Zombies in the view all comments when you are in the game window. If you have any other instances where playgerism has occoured post it here.

Thank You.

Reply to Mega Miner:

Ok, lately game developers have been copying off of other people�s ideas. I would accept this if alillm had asked the developer of Balloon in a wasteland if he could use his idea. And if this did occur alillm should have mentioned it in his DESCRIPTION but he did not! One of armor games rules is to have NO PLAGERISM. TELL ME IF THIS IS NOT PLAYGERISM I challenge YOU. If Armor Games followed their own rules they would not have let alillm submit this abomination!
The thing that bothers me the most is that this is not the first time that this has happened. It has happened with another game called Dude and Zombies. Dude and Zombies was ripped off of Balloon in a Wasteland. This game already exists on Armor Games. Whoever reads this I beg you to spread the word around the site so that the Mod�s, and Administrators get the point!! I strongly suggest that Armor Games removes these plagiarized games, AND the users form the site. If a moderator, or Administrator reads this, and disagrees reply to me on The Messenger!

  • 10 Replies
15,595 posts

What? You can copy off their ideas if you want. Have you ever heard of Kinect? Or PS Move?

492 posts

You never said what Mega Miner and Dude and Zombies was copying. I believe Mega Miner was a rip-off of Motherload but i don't think that Motherload is even on Armor Games. I really have no idea what Dude and Zombies is copying but yeah, seeing copied Games is really annoying.

113 posts

Dude of Zombies was ripped off of Balloon in a Wasteland from Armor Games. Mega Miner was copyed off of Motherload from Miniclip.

GhostOfMatrix I never said that you cannot copy off of other peopleâs ideas. I am just ranting about this because it says specifically in the rules on Armor Games that this is not allowed.

The sad thing is that almost always when someone copies off another person the copierâs final result is USEUALY worse than the original idea. Unfortunately I believe that Mega Miner, and Dude and Zombies are actually worse than the original makers. Now this is just an OPONION so do not get all ramped up about it, and start refuting.

15,595 posts

Taking an idea and enhancing it or even making a game similar to another is not plagiarism.
Plagiarism - the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
There's no law nor rule saying you can't have a similar game. If that was the case, then MANY games have copied other games. Ever hear of Platform Racing? Or whatever that game was called, well, Exit Path is similar to it. Does that mean Exit Path should be deleted? No, because they aren't the same thing. Just because they are based on similar things doesn't make it plagiarism.

464 posts

I feel I should add that motherload was created by XGenStudios considering i was a fan of that game for a while.

1,405 posts

I agree with GoM. They're just similar. not identical.

2,027 posts

I agree with GoM. They're just similar. not identical.

True, but with Mega Miner, it was pretty darn close to being identical. The only difference really is that you can dig up and you're not affected by gravity in Mega Miner, both of which are negative things in my opinion. Regardless, despite its lack of originality, it is indeed a copy and not plagiarism.
2,891 posts

Plagiarism, in the strictest definition, is copying someone's exact work and calling it your own. Game developers are not required to list games from which they drew inspiration.

As I mentioned on destruction101's profile, and others have said here, copying IDEAS is not plagiarism. If it were, first-person shooters would have ended with the Wolfenstein games from the early 1980s. Or there wouldn't have been more than one tower defense game, ever.

26 posts

I completely agree with that cormyn. although you still want to be careful with inspiration, and make sure it is not the same thing with slight differences, because many people will still call it plagiarism.

2,226 posts

Yeah, plagiarism is exactly copying people's stuff, and then taking credit for this
[quote=Joe96, not destruction101]
Lately I have been seeing playgerism going on at Armor Games. I have to cases Mega Miner, and Dude and Zombies. I am posting my reply to Mega Miner here, you can see the one that I posted In Dude and Zombies in the view all comments when you are in the game window. If you have any other instances where playgerism has occoured post it here[/quote]

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