With all this talk of debt ceilings, and credit defaults, which im sure will end in tax spikes, ive been thinking of other ways to climb out of the recession. Drill baby drill. Whether u believe it or just dont know it, the great United States uses 20.7 million berrels of oil a day. Its net imports number about 12.4 or 60%. The USA also floats on over an estimated 2 trillion barrels. So yea one way to get out of the hole is to drill our own oil. but for so many different reasons we dont. an yea Grow Baby Grow. At an estimated 35.8 billion mariujana is by far the largest cash$$$$ crop in the united states when compared to the average production values of other crops. the closest being corn at 23.3 billion. I dont want to get into the "legalize it" rant except to say that if we did "grow our own" and in turn legalize the buy and sell as well as cultivation of m.j. the US govt could actually use tht drug money like they do with Alcohol and Tobacco and tax it and make profit. But instead Obama will likely push the debt ceiling to 2013... after hes out of office.
So any other opinions how we get out of this mess?
cut jobless fees, up to 1 month total - you can't do less because otherwise those who lost their jobs won't have time to find another. But this will prune a lot of illegals and those who don't just want to work, but want to receive jobless money.
We can take the oil wells in Arabia that we built and taught to those camel butts and towel heads. Those oil wells are rightfully ours, we found the oil, we built the wells, we taught them how to use it and now they went from camel butt towel wearing idiots to throne butt, towel head wearing idiots in palaces. So that'd fix all our problems with economy, we do have the strongest military, and we should blow up China and kill 3 billion rather then loose 6 billion around the world. Plus the Chinese people who live in China don't have any freedom, nor do they have a 'life'. We should demand stuff from china and start making toys and products in our country and not get stuff from China (Bill Clinton you little... or huge, fraud... criminal...).
But instead Obama will likely push the debt ceiling to 2013... after hes out of office.
Yeah, as if it was his wish to push up the debt ceiling... hypocrite.
How you can get out of debts? Raise taxes for the rich is a first step that will help. Legalizing drugs is a second, or at least something in the direction you said. And third, subvention production of home-made fuel out of algae; you'll be independent of fossil fuel, and won't have to kill or wage war for it. And as a nice side-effect sheiks will lose their monopoly for fuel.
How you can get out of debts? Raise taxes for the rich is a first step that will help. Legalizing drugs is a second, or at least something in the direction you said. And third, subvention production of home-made fuel out of algae; you'll be independent of fossil fuel, and won't have to kill or wage war for it. And as a nice side-effect sheiks will lose their monopoly for fuel.
cut on the usa millitary spendings and your already halfway.
As I have said before, Social Security is the biggest spending program in US fiscal policy. A long term solution would to ween Americans off of it over a 20, 50, or 100 year plan.
Cutting military deployments in foreign countries, especially Asia and the Middle East, is an excellent idea for reducing the US's national budget, and subsequently lower the debt on a per-year basis.
Medicare, medicaid, and welfare are the third largest expenditure, and while necessary to a point, there are many who abuse the system for their own gain, and at the federal government's cost. As this is not a crime (to some extent, severely defrauding welfare is however), it is difficult to stop those who do. I would, if I were a president, congressman, or other such person, propose that rather than give them money, we give them necessities and job opportunities. Simply handing out money is a great way to have it lost to drugs, alcohol, or prostitution, and to a great extent luxury items (HDTVs, for instance), and is very easy to abuse. If we gave them food, shelter, and so forth, material items, it could seriously cut abuse as the people on welfare are not given the opportunity at all to spend it on extras. If they want luxuries, the government should give (I should say encourage, preferably in private industry for growth) them jobs to pay for it.
Reduction of the government overall is the only real solution, and you can't just cut one department and expect results. As you can only cut military so far for instance, it needs to be combined with overhaul or elimination of other departments to be successful. I'm not an economist, but I do know bad business sense from good, and blowing hundreds of billions on unnecessary spending is bad.