ForumsThe TavernWhat is a Dream

12 1997
120 posts

Most people say dreams are just mixed signals that couldnt connect to the rite sense. But then why do blind people have dreams where they can see, if they have never had the sense of sight. (People that were blind from birth.) Many blinds say they do n fact see in there dreams even though they've no idea what to call what there experiencing they know theres more n there dreams then in there daily lives. So in tht case why do people say its just a mix of signals.
My fascination with dreams came after i had a series of dreams over two months; My first dream was about my cat, who had been missing for seveal days, an in my dream i found my cat dead in my back yard. That mornin i woke up an searched my back yard, an couldnt find em' so i really thought nothing more of it. But i also remember tht mornin on the way to school we had a flat tire. My second dream came a few dayz later an this time i found my cat traped behind a fence. I woke tht mornin and instinctivley whent outside to still find no missing cat. Tht mornin on the way to school we had another flat tire. The dreams of my cat stoped after tht for a while.
It was about 2 weeks later when i had another dream of my missing cat, this time my cat was traped on the roof. I woke up and expecting agin to find my cat i went and looked on the roof but no cat. Before this dream i had given up on my cat coming home, we had aleady got another family pet this time a black labador retriever. But after the dream i started to wonder more an more about the missing cat. Things got even more wierd when on the way to school that mornin my dads car broke down. Thts when i started to wonder if there wasnt some wierd coiensidence between the dreams and car trouble.
My cat had been missing for almost two solid months now. Then late one nite our next door neighbors came over to tell us that our dog had been ran over and killed, our dog was equiped with an electric collar so that if he went past a certain point the collar would shock him an he would yeild, but tht night he had some how chewd it off. Also tht night i had my final dream, it was agin of my missing cat who in this dream was traped in the attic and through the whole dream i could here but couldnt get em. Tht mornin i went into my kitchen to find my two month missing cat ,Bob, sitting on the ground eating dog food out of our now dead dogs bowl. That mornin i stayed home from school, an on the way back from taking my big brother to school my mom and dad got into a sever car accident.
Weird. so to me dreams are alot more then just 'mixed signals' what r they to u? or has anything in ur real life ever had a connection to ur dreams, several people have told me i might have clairvoyant dreams which they say is not uncommon. But nothing like this has ever happend agin or before.

  • 12 Replies
123 posts

I have dreams but they are related to the future. Like i have dreams that can be on any certain day like a month from today or a week or maybe tomorrow but it depends if i get that dream.

Regards, Shade338

349 posts

An imagination while you sleep

489 posts

glipses of a parallel universe.

120 posts

Ive heard tht as well tht its like dimensional insight or somethin of tht nature, parallel universe, (R.E.M is alittle over rated.)

3,371 posts

A dream is when your brain sorts through your memory and your emotion also plays a part. When you're dreaming your brain usally paralyzes your bosy so you don't act out your dream. But they can't see into the future. If you had all those dreams about your cat then you were probably still upset about it.

149 posts

I think it is when your eyes go back and forth(R.E.M and create a picture in your mind. Or at least that what i think.

190 posts

"I get deja vu a lot..Meaning when i'm in a real life situation or talking something happends at that moment that I remember in a dream"
Metoo its really weird because i felt that i saw it happen already and then it seemed like the whole series of events that led up to the thing that made me remember seemed like they'd happened before too

48 posts

Dream is a movie with sence of future.

4,710 posts

a dream can be a place where you can do what you want (lucid dreams) and/or where you can do impossible things like flying or having super powers. they can be also a reflection/mix made out of your memory and/or emotions.

1,606 posts

You really have problems with your pets and car trouble. I used to have an idea that I was living someone elses life in a dream or sometimes in a dream I'm a spectator in the dreams so I thought it might be me looking into another persons life. But since they sometimes included toys that I had or stuff like that I gave up on that idea. Now I'm going with the belief that it's your brain organizing stuff from your day.

3,523 posts

I love dreams, I like to see what my subconscious can do. By the way, this has something about dreams:

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