I can't access the newsletter. When I click on the link nothing happens. After 2 clicks, a bar which I think has my email address on apears for a nano second, then goes away. Does anyone else have this problem??
I clicked on it a few times and got e-mails saying "welcome to the AG newsletter" or something like that. Clicking the link means that you will get a welcome e-mail soon.
I clicked it and some small box with my email in it pops up and goes away in less than a second. I checked my email and didn't see anything about any games so I guess it didn't do anything.
Just hold down right click and scroll over it like you gonna copy it, then an arrow point up right should show up right under it, click/scroll over that and your e-mail will show hope this works for you.
Finally figured out how to get it to work! I got the nano second box thingy, so when i clicked it again and it happened i fortunatly moved my mouse downward, then the box stays. Hope it might help atleast someone.