This is just curiosity and so people can talk about how they feel about the government of their country or what government they believe is right. Personally, I believe in a small government where the government hardly does anything to affect your life, but people just don't care nowadays what happens: They just want free stuff, like money, food to make them fatter, other free junk from what the government 'romises' also known as 'lies' and the government has just controlled people. So, I believe in a small, democratic government that won't control your daily life. That would include Capitalism as well.
There is no government ideology that is perfect, but taking all the positive traits from all the different politics and not pushing any ideology to the extrem would make a pretty good government. Again, not perfect, you would need perfect humans to get a perfect government, right?
Also, smaller countries are great. The government can focus on the needs of everyone more and with better precision. Making the people happy.
I dont believe in our government, you don't have to believe in our government to be a good american , just gotta believe in the Country. Thats what i believe . No offence but i don't like our government . Lol , sorry to say.
I think the ideal would probably be a no-party democratic system.
I feel compelled to elaborate on "no-party", because every time I mention it someone says "but people will disagree on stuff!!". Yes, that's true; they'll disagree on specific issues. A no-party system has several candidates run, each with their own personal political views and merits, and you just vote for whichever one agrees with you most and has the most worth. It's pretty simple, and prevents divisiveness, polarization, and standstills.
I'd prefer a government of anarchy in the U.S. That way, the entire country can breakdown so that the Chinese, Soviets, and Libyans invade and impose their own notions of government on the Americans...
I believe a modified form of the ancient greek democracy would be good. My only changes would be to have everyone able to vote.
What do you mean by everyone? Kids, too?
I'd prefer a government of anarchy in the U.S. That way, the entire country can breakdown so that the Chinese, Soviets, and Libyans invade and impose their own notions of government on the Americans...
I'd prefer a government of anarchy in the U.S. That way, the entire country can breakdown so that the Chinese, Soviets, and Libyans invade and impose their own notions of government on the Americans...
hehe would be funny to see that yea xD dunno about the libyas side tho, it depends on what libya will be in a few year. who wins and how many partys are going to try to be leader then and what method they use to get it.
No government is truly the best form. All have benefits and downfalls. If I had to choose, it would be a REAL democracy, not this republic-democracy hybrid everyone seems to love. In a real democracy, the people would decide what to do without anyone representing them, and the leader would just be a figure head. This is how it would work: Every month the leader would state a problem, people would suggest ways to fix it, and the majority rules.
I never thought that Socialism was a bad idea. It was great until Stalin turned it into a "dictatorship" and the Capitalist countries fought against it making it fail. If it was accepted worldwide it could be a really successful government.
I would say none, because despite any type of government most of the people that lead a country don't give a crap about people and are just there for their own interests. Yet that can't be said about all the government heads as you can't say everyone likes vanilla ice cream (first comparison I got in my head). But in the end democracy with a pinch of socialism is the best way to go in my opinion.
I do agree with you, there is no such thing as a perfect government. I say if there's too much democracy everybody just doing stupid things like rallying for no reason. When dictator government everybody is also rallying for democracy.. What the heck?!?!?! I think its supposed to be balanced.
Dictatorship if you need to do something quick (5-50) years and if the are not crazy. Democracy is good in the long run but only if there are many parties or no parties at all. I also think that if there are parties then the government should give a lot of money to public schools so that informed decisions can be made.