ForumsThe TavernThoughts on: Zombie Apocalypse

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49 posts

I recently re-played all the "Last Stands" (including Union city), but even before that, I had thought about how to survive in a REAL zombie apocalypse; sure, everyone knows the basic things you must have: food, water and weapons, but even if you had all that stuff, you need a place to live.
So, if you live in a house, can you fortify it?, do you have a steady and continious source of water?; in the case that you live in an apartment, would you stay there?.
The purpose of this thread, is to discuss and analize the best ways to survive a zombie apocalypse for the long term, not just a couple of days, dont expect the army to come and rescue you! if a zombie apocalypse happens, take action!

  • 15 Replies
49 posts

In my particular case, my house is quite big, and I happen to live in a comercial area, so anything from vehicles to stores that sell herbal healing products is at my disposal to loot and or scavange.
Since its a comercial area, any parked cars are available to hijack in order to block any ends of the street and make a kind of wall.
Many other ideas are at hand, but I want to know what the poeple think.

REMEMBER: everyone lives in diferrent areas, either rural or urban, with spaces between houses or no gaps at all, so, how can you work your sorroundings to help you survive this type of apocalypse?

ANOTHER REMINDER: this chance of survival is only taken into account if the zombies are how we would expect a LIVING DEAD to move and react, so no "Dawn of Dead" zombies or nothing like "I am Legend", keep it real people!

256 posts

There are currently two other threads about this topic...

1,626 posts

I agree with what theregulator said.

You also need an escape plan in case something happens to your shelter.

Reading the Zombie Survival Guide is a good way to prepare.

156 posts

I'll start phoning everyone I know and try to contact somebody on fb, msn, xbox or whatever, and meet them in my school. It has high fences (some parts of it with spikes... don't ask me why), and also has double glass-plastic doors, which aren't made of 100% full glass, so they're impossible to break hitting them or throwing those small-medium size stones. They're also quite thick and double. We've got, inside, thick metal doors (like the typical emergency ones).

There are also lots of stores around which means that it's hard to run out of food (the school also has plenty of it in really big freezers). There are 2 more schools at the sides of ours, so we can scavenge there.

I also know about 2 police stations and a army's hq (for the guns, you know)
The 1st police st is 1 km away (from the school)
The 2nd one about 4 km
The hq is about 2 hours walking (google maps )

156 posts

If we want to scape, we can open a rear door in the fence (locked with a locker) that leads to a river. I don't think zombies can swim... but in case they can, we can always dive or something.

2,226 posts

I live within a mile of a few decent ponds and creeks, so I'm set on water. Food wise, there are some small fish in the ponds, but otherwise I'm at a loss. Realistically, you really don't need to worry about zombies as much as rogues, bandits, and getting infected. I could still fortify my house, but the unexpected would get you. (How to prepare meals without electricity, where to put the sewage, if you get sick)

38 posts

i will be the best inventor ever, and i will drive myself to do it simply because i'll be really famous, with the stuff i'll make then there will not be a zombie left on earth once i'm done, and believe me, i will do it

32 posts

Anyone here about the guy who sued his town because they didn't have a plan for the Zombie Apocalypse?

Well, I live on a military base stocked with marines, so i'm good on defenses, which also happens to have hills and lakes surrounding it, with cattle and sheep. So i'm all set in pretty much every aspect you look at it.

3,371 posts

If there was a zombie apocalypse I know that I would definitly die. I live in a city with millions of other people and all the houses are close by. My skills arn't that good, and I might go insane if I have to kil my zombie family to survive. The chances I'll live are very slim at best.

2,597 posts

Here is how i would survive.

I live in a small town (With a small population) that is a good bit away from other towns so there would not be too many zombies.It is a town with a few nearby farms for food and such.There is a river nearby too.
My House is small with not many entrances.I live in an estate with the house close so we could create a way of moving through houses without going on the ground level.We also have a greenhouse that we grow stuff in.
We own weapons a few weapons at my house plus there is a gun store nearby.My neighbors have a lot of guns also.
Out my Backyard we have a green house for growing things.There is a farm down the road which has a lot of animals which we could take.We could also fish at a nearby river.Water can come from the river.
There is a few doctors living in my estate and a small nearby hospital within a mile.

If there is anything I missed tell me and I'll update it.
Please rate my plan out of 10.

3,152 posts

Well, for one thing, there is no such thing as a zombie. For another thing, all your facts and info are coming from games you have played (from Left 4 Dead to COD Black Ops). Lastly, if your going by what happened in the games, you are going to have AK-47s, M-16s, RPG's, hand grenades, and an ample supply of ammo to shoot..... Not going to happen.

858 posts

I seem to remember something like this a while ago.
This plan is assuming that zombies cannot operate elevators and are fairly stupid.
Anyway, my plan would be to find food and weapons, preferably some sort of rifle or machine gun, ammo, and probably a group of people. I'd then head to the tallest building in my city (which really isn't very tall). You can only get to the top floor via elevator, so I'd disable one elevator and leave the other one active so other survivors can get up.
I'd give everyone who has good aim a weapon so we could snipe zombies from the windows. I'd also probably give everyone else knives to defend themselves in the event that a zombie did get up.
I would periodically send out heavily armed people in cars to get food and ammunition. I live in a fairly small city so the chances of running into zombies would be rather small, but still a possibility.
I'd then wait for military assistance.

8,253 posts

If the zombies would only be around for a few days, we could just hide in the cellar/bunker^^. If it goes on for long though...

Our block is built in a way that already makes it impossible to enter from two sides (taking the sturdy and maybe even zombie-proof front door into account). We would just have to fortify one window and the garden, that already has hedges on two sides and a concrete wall on the third (hopefully the zombies can't climb very well). Once they'd be in the garden we'd be screwed since the wall facing to the garden has a big glass surface. We could of course just go hide in one of the apartment above us, we'd only have to defend the staircase. Going out would be a bit problematic though.
Also, there aren't a lot of places we could salvage around, the supplies might not last long.

If I would fear that a zombie apocalypse might really happen, I'd definitely build a house like that Safe House here. It's real, just scroll through the pics.

430 posts

If there were 1 I'd pr'bly run to the convenience stoe near my house, and hole myself up there. Then from there I would go to the gun store near my house, and then improvise from there.

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