To all terrorists out there:
You wanna beat the americans? Here's how ya do it....
Set up a town, or take over one. Have it totally filled with your people, and your people alone. Strategically position snipers all around the place, while having everyone else look like normal Ghanni's. When an american patrol passes through the town, wait for a soldier to leave the group, and pick him off, disposing of the body quickly. Take his weapons, and uniform. Wash it, and patch the bullet hole(s). Then, pick off the entire patrol one man at a time. If they're going in pairs, have a set-up so someone picks off one soldier, the other turns, and gets picked off from behind. Having your people only in the village is important, so there will be no screaming. Also, Silencers will be needed. ONce you take out the patrol, they will most likely send another one, better-guarded, and more cautious. Sacrifice some of your people in a fake fire-fight, with your people shooting at a set group, so the americans pick a side. Have your groups fire little at each-other, with the opposing group fire at the americans until one group is dead. The people "helping" the americans then shoot any remaining americans fater the fire-fight, and it looks like they were killed in a firefight. The remaining helpers run back to the remaining americans, explain the "situation", and repeat the process, until the patrol is gone. You can develope this strategy as needed, with slight variations. Keep your snipers under something, or inside of something, to avoid benig seen and recorded by satelites.
To all american patrollers who want to finish it once and for all: Shoot anything that moves. Leave no man women or child alive. if you take a chance, you'll end up dead, so kill everyone.
Ya see, the problem with people today is either they don't have enough brains, or they have too much morals. If I was the leader of eitehr force, I would bring many victories, however harsh the consquences.
And that's what I think. Stupid americans, giving candy to kids. They aren't there to help the economy, they're there to protect their homeland by any means possible, even if it means the ellimination of a people group. Sheesh. And the terrorists with their suicide bombings! That isn't the way to go about it! Grow some brains!