ForumsWEPREquality as an Illusion

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32 posts

I personally think that equality would be great, but no matter where we go, no matter what we do, no matter where we go, we will be judged for something about us, our ethnic background, our ideology, our Religion, or lack of, our parents, our lifestyle, our occupation, our sexual orientation, our socio economic status, our physical or mental abilities, or our handicaps. What do you think about this take on it?

  • 3 Replies
9,439 posts

Well, everyone is different. It can be hard to look past those differences, but if we can learn to look past them we realize that everyone is still a person and deserves respect as one. People only judge due to past experiences, especially visually. For example, if you see an Islamic extremist holding someone at gunpoint on the news and a few days later you see a guy in a Turban walking down the street, you'll think of that news story. Most of those judgements are caused by a fear of the unknown. If everyone cared enough to take the time to get to know different people instead of grouping them all as 'bad' just because they're different, then the world would be a better place. I doubt it will happen any time soon. Society is so heavily influenced by the bad things in the world that they forget to look for the good in others.

4,206 posts

It's human nature to judge, we are, after all, a social specie. It's not really that much of a problem as long as it's controlled.

3,139 posts

Judging will always occur, but if it was a personal/private affair things would be better,
Everyone's entitled to an opinion/view, and if they choose to judge someone based on whatever, that's their call. I myself would call judging on certain things ignorant, but i can't speak for everyone.
The flip side is everyone's entitled to freedom of speech which is something i've seen debated endlessly here.

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