I won't say it has been nice knowing you guys, recently, it hasn't. But I will say that when this **** hits the floor, I was glad to have had the experience.
Politicians, please, for the love of everyone, get your ****ing **** in gear and solve this. Please.
Wrong answer there bud, well not completely, but cutting spending isn't enough. What the yanks need to do is start taxing those overly rich nut jobs. And no more tax breaks. The middle class is disappearing into poverty while those guys keep getting richer. Trickle down doesn't work. Time for a change.
GOP doesn't want taxes and Dems don't want spending cuts.
Yeah, except Dems were accepting huge cuts in place of raising taxes, but GOP is stubborn. Dems even gave them Reid's plan, which has no tax revenue whatsoever, and even then Republicans are throwing crap along the board that they assume is bipartisan. I don't tend very well to party lines/limits, but in this instance, you could call me a Democrat.
Ya just cut spending its not that hard
You're not being specific, Cut spending where? The GOP will not reduce military spending [Reid's plan does], due to Republican love of the military. The GOP will not raise taxes, even a little, in order to take some of the pressure off of the necessary cuts that can't happen instantly, but must take place gradually. So eventfully, the only area left to cut is entitlements. Which is okay, they shouldn't be out of hand. Yet to make that your only solution towards avoiding default is both stupid and the easy way out.
Trickle down doesn't work. Time for a change.
I'm so glad other people see this. Our country has been stuck on supplyside economics for 30 years and we're here wondering why, for the past 30 years, the per capita GDP of only the rich has grown. I don't want Democrats to raise taxes until the Government controls every aspect of our lives, but there has to be economic pressure on job creators to work for their living instead of lying back and taking in a cash flow.
They're all idiots, just hope they all die off before they do too much damage.
They are pretty old. Yet the new, younger guys on the Republican side [not being partisan, just that all the Dems are old], are just as much, if not more, stubborn than the ones in Congress already.