I was play in gemcraft labyrinth in http://www.kongregate.com/games/gameinabottle/gemcraft-labyrinth . How i can import my saves and play on armorgames site?
I believe the AG version is saving your game progress on our servers, so it's not using the typical "Flash storage" on your own system, so there's no way to import it onto our system.
Kongregate version save game local. AG version save local too (when i not authenticate). I want import local save from kongregate to server save on AG.
ifju's instructions will only work for games that save your progress on your local system (which happens on GCL when you're not logged in). I'd be curious to know whether copying that offline progress updates anything *online* if you copy that .sol file and then log into Armor Games.
When you have two different versions online and offline, it tries to identify the newer progress in each slot (!) by the number of amulets&stages, and it will use the fresher one from that moment on, and overwrites the older one.